Hard To Believe

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Gon woke up, feeling more energized than usual. When he turned around he jumped at the sight of Killua sleeping beside him. He thought for a second, then realized he let Killua in his bed last night.

He studied Killua's features, he really looked innocent when he was asleep, he was like a innocent, teddy bear. But when he was awake, he was like a wolf in heat. He hoped that Killua would stay asleep forever, but that'd only be possible if he were dead. Gon wasn't really looking to go to jail for murder, though, so he figured he'd just endure it.

Since he was up, he decided he should at least make some breakfast. Since it was light outside, he figured Killua should be okay, since he was afraid of the dark. Surprisingly, Gon believed that, but he didn't know why, because to him, Killua being scared of the dark was hard to believe.

Walking into the kitchen, he turned on some random cartoon. Sometimes, he still tended to act like a child, even though he was a full grown adult. When he wanted to be one, at least.

He was in the mood for a breakfast sandwich, one of his famous ones, he thought for a second, and then decided to make Killua one too.

He made the necessary ingredients, and once he was done, he placed them onto two slices of bread, he stood back and admired his masterpiece as if he was on some sort of cooking show. He was always over dramatic like that.

The tv sounded out in the distance, and almost as if on cue, the character on the show said, "That looks mighty delicious, I'd sure like a bite of that."

Gon smirked and chuckled as he said to the character, "I'm sure you would, and you would be able to, if I could teleport it through the screen. Ultimately, it sucks to be you."

But, what Gon didn't know, was that Killua was awake at the scent of food and his stomach was a growling monster, but Killua couldn't help but smirk at Gon's actions.

Deciding he'd stared long enough and his stomach deciding that it couldn't take it anymore, he smirked and placed his elbow on the counter, leaning his cheek into the palm of his hand, and said, "Boo."

Gon jumped back, a scared expression mixed with a surprised expression on his face. He held his chest, as he felt his heartbeat speed up dramatically. "And to think I made you a breakfast sandwich, I will just eat it myself."

"No, no, no. I'm sorry, please let me try it!" Killua whined.

"Nope, should've that about that before you decided to give me a heart attack."

Killua's stomach growled. Loudly. He bent over, holding his stomach as it growled, he was painfully hungry, it hurt him to be this hungry.

Gon sighed and slid the plate over to Killua, Killua quickly picked up the sandwich and took a bite out of it, humming in delight. "Zhis jis vreally gud." He said, voice muffled.

"Try saying that again with no food in your mouth, I didn't understand you."

Killua swallowed the mouthful of food and cleared his throat, "I said it was good, imbecile."

"That means a lot coming from you, snow white." Gon said, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Gon, don't make me flirt with you. You know I will~" Killua joked with a smirk.

Gon's eyes widened and he nodded slowly, he really didn't want Killua flirt with him, especially early in the morning.

After finishing off his sandwich, Gon wiped his hands and walked back to his room to get dressed.

Killua leaned on the counter and continued watching the cartoon that Gon had turned on the television. Something about it was intriguing to him, although he didn't know what.

Gon came out of his room a few minutes later, dressed in a black shirt, with a grey, jean jacket, black ripped jeans, and grey off whites. He had the top part of his hair in a ponytail, while the rest of it was hanging down. It was only then did Killua notice the piercings in Gon's ear.

"Since when have you had piercings?" Killua asked in wonder.

"Since my freshman year of high school. I acted on impulse and just started getting piercing after piercing after piercing." Gon replied with a shrug.

"That's....." Killua started. But he was in utter shock upon hearing the words that just spilled from Gon's lips. Not only was piercing yourself dangerous and seriously unsanitary, it was also insane. Well, to Killua at least.


"You mind doing some piercings on me?" Killua asked shyly.

"Why are you acting so shy?" Gon asked with a chuckle, "Of course I don't mind, but be warned, sometimes piercings do hurt, so unless you have a seriously high pain tolerance-"

"Oh trust me, I do."

Gon stared at Killua with a serious expression, then he shrugged and picked up his backpack, which laid beside the couch. "See you later, I got class."

Killua waved and after Gon left, he plopped down onto the couch, and continued to watch the cartoon.

Gon was downstairs in the lobby now. He looked over at the mini market and was pleased to see that it was open early in the morning. He sighed and softly smiled at he walked inside the market and began picking out small snacks that would help get him through the school day.

After picking out hot fries and a drink, he placed them onto the counter then looked up at the cashier, happy to see that it was Kurapika.

"Goodmorning, Kurapika."

Kurapika cocked and eyebrow and looked up at the person talking to him, "Who are you?"

"Oh come on, we met yesterday, I'm Gon."

Kurapika's jaw dropped and his eyes widened in awe, "Since when do you have piercings?!"

"Like I just told Killua, I pierced my body in the 9th grade, acting on impulse." Gon chuckled.

"You should wear your hair up more often, you look good like that." Kurapika commented as he began scanning the items. "Your total is 190 yen."

Gon pulled out his wallet, "I wish I could, but if I did, everyone would see my piercings." He said, giving the exact amount of money to Kurapika.

Kurapika took the money and opened the cash register, "So, what? You're a grown man, it's not like you're in middle school or anything."

Gon shrugged, "You're right." He said, taking the bag containing his items off of the counter. "Hey, I have a question."


"Is Killua really scared of the dark?" Gon asked, his expression a wondering one.

"Oh yeah, definitely. He never grew out of it. He grew up in a tough home, so ultimately, he was never able to grow out of a lot of things."

"Tough home?"

"You'll have to let him tell you about it. But, don't go asking about it either, that's dumb and rude. Just let him naturally tell you when he's ready. Once he's comfortable around you, he tends to open up a lot more."

"I trust your word." Gon said, checking the clock on the wall. "Well, I got to go. I have class in like half an hour. See you later."

Kurapika waved, and when Gon was out of sight, he plopped back down into his chair and let the fan blow into his face, as he read a magazine.

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