New Record For You

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"I'm sorry, Gon." Principal Netero said sympathetically, "But I'm afraid we have to ask you to leave the dorms."

"Come on, Mr. Net, it wasn't even my fault," Gon pleaded, "Where am I supposed to stay?"

Principal Netero shrugged, "I dunno Gon, but you can't live here anymore."

Gon sighed and left the principal's office, "Fucking bastard," He said quietly so the principal wouldn't hear him.

Gon proceeded to walk to the library, he couldn't go back to his dorms to pack, he wasn't allowed to. They were going to send someone up there to pack everything and bring it down to his car.

"Hey, Gon!" A girl says as she sits down at the table he's sitting at.

"Hey, Sunny, what's up?" Gon replies.

"Well, I came in here to get the next Harry Potter book, and I saw you, so I thought I'd say hi," Her eyebrows furrowed noticing his sad expression, "Hey, why so sad?"

"Just got kicked out of the dorms, so now I have to find somewhere else to live," Gon explains.

"For what? What happened?" Sunny asks.

"Same as always, Uvo being a dumbass and doing something stupid and blaming me for it, this time, I actually got the punishment."

Sunny pouts, "Well it's not fair, who's gonna bother me everyday now?"

Gon chuckles, "I'm not leaving the school, just the dorms, you can always come visit me once I find a place."

"Oh really? Cool! Hey, if you need some help, I know a place you could look," Sunny says cheerfully.

"Oh really, where?"

"Hunter Hills Apartments, they reply back really fast and their apartments are really nice from what I've heard," Sunny says with a shrug.

Gon hums and thinks for a second. Sunny is usually never wrong, she also has a good sense of fashion, so maybe it's worth a shot?

He shrugged and pulled out his laptop and put in his password. He went to the internet and searched up the name of the apartments that Sunny mentioned.

He checked the prices and found them to be pretty reasonable. Plus, the complex wasn't far from the school, which was also a win for him.

Gon was pretty content at the moment, the prices were good, the distance was good, the reviews were good, was there anything bad about the place? Gon couldn't find anything so he guessed the answer was clear.

"Hey, Sunny, thanks a lot," Gon said not making eye contact.

"Hm? For what Gonnie?" She asked in a confused tone.

"For supporting me through everything, you're the only one who's always been here for me, and.. and it really means a lot to me."

Sunny smiled and sat in Gon's lap, "Of course, Gonnie, you've helped me through so much too, so I'm just returning the favor."

Gon softly smiles and places a kiss on Sunny's cheek and hugs her from behind.

"So, are you gonna request a room? Or are you gonna keep looking?" She asks as she wraps her arms around his.

"I think I'm gonna request a room, I'm nervous as hell though, maybe I'll get a roommate?" Gon says tightening his wrap around her waist.

"Anyone would be lucky to have you as a roommate,"  Sunny exclaimed, "This time around you were just the unlucky one."

Gon chuckled a bit and nodded. He removed one of his arms from around Sunny and pressed the button to request a room.

"Hey, wanna help me find the next book while we wait?" Sunny asks.

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