You're Back, Finally.

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Gon succeeded in convincing himself that he did not, I repeat, DID NOT, have feelings for Kurapika. Sure, he was good looking and easy to talk to, but he was straight. That was the only thing Gon had to remember, and with that, he decided he would just be friends with Kurapika.

So, now, with that being said, he's walking back to his room. Ready to face whatever is beyond the door, which in this case, is a overly-flirtatious Killua.

He sighs as he unlocks the door to his room, opening it after.

"Well, well, well. You're back, finally." Killua says standing against the wall, frightening Gon.

"Will you stop doing that?" Gon asks, catching his breath.

"Maybe, but where'd you go?"

"To mind my business."

"Hmmm." Killua said with a smirk, stepping away from the wall. "You got a smart mouth on you. I wonder what else that mouth can do.."

"Nothing with you, dumbass."

"Gon, you should know by now that I like when you're feisty."

"That's not something you should be proud of, idiot." Gon said with a roll of his eyes.

"You're very hostile today," Killua said, placing his index finger under Gon's chin. "Calling me names like idiot and a dumbass."


"You're hurting my feelings, Gon." Killua said with a smirk forming on his face. "Guess you'll have to make it up to me."

"Killua, I'm tired."

"From doing what? I haven't even gotten a chance to tire you out-"

"How can you just say things like that so casually? It's weird." Gon said slapping Killua's hand away from his chin.

"It's a gift." Killua said, his smile fading. "A gift created from a curse."

"A gift... created from a curse?" Gon repeated in a questioning voice.

"Don't worry about it." Killua said, dismissing the topic. He didn't want to talk about it anymore. "By the way, your room is the one on the left."


"With that being said, if you need me, I'm in the room on the right." Killua stated, walking towards his bedroom.

"Killua..." Gon said quietly. As a result, Killua stopped in his tracks, waiting for Gon to finish his statement. "Are you okay?"

"Goodnight, Gon." Killua said with a voice a little louder than a whisper.



"Phew." Gon said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Gon had just finished getting settled into his room. He was sweaty and tired. But, he was also somewhat worried about Killua. Killua was quiet, unusually quiet. But, Gon just assumed he was probably sleeping.

Gon sat on his bed. Maybe he was too hostile towards Killua. But, today was a rollercoaster for Gon. He didn't know how to feel and even if he did, he wouldn't know why he felt that way. He just hoped Killua wasn't angry with him. He wouldn't know how to react if Killua was angry with him. Too wrapped up in his thoughts, he sighed, and decided to take a shower.

Killua was laying in his bed, listening to a playlist that usually kept him calm. Kept him from falling too deep into his unbearable thoughts. Right now, he was listening to a song by Astrid S titled, "Hurts So Good."

He was silent as he listened to this song. His mind was clear, his head was clear. All he heard was the music in his ears, her semi-soft voice, describing how she felt through music. Through lyrics.

He looked over at the clock on his wall, it was a gift from Alluka. A small alarm clock she created herself. Pink and green designed covered the entire clock, those were Alluka's favorite colors. The clock read '10:47.'

Killua sighed. He hasn't been able to get a wink of sleep for at least a week now. Maybe longer? He didn't know.

It was later in the year, so it was dark earlier. Killua always watched the sunset, finding it beautiful and calming. But, once the moon replaced the sun, Killua's nyctophobia kicked in.

To some people, Killua was too old to be afraid of the dark. He didn't tell lots of people about his phobia of the dark, he felt they would make fun of him. But, maybe in a way, it was more than a feeling, it was more like a promise. A promise that whoever he told would make fun of him for being in his 20s, and still being afraid of the dark.

He didn't want to deal with it, so he didn't sleep. Of course, there were solutions, such as keeping the hallway light on, but the light bill was already high enough. It's not like he was poor or anything, he just didn't want to have to deal with the landlord. Another solution would be to get a nightlight, but Killua didn't want to spend the money on something like that. It didn't matter if it helped him or not.

So, he decided he'd suffer. Suffer in the quietness of the dark, in solitude. Alone. With no one to help him face his fears of the wickedness that lies in the darkness. He'd keep his light on at night, so he wouldn't have to face his fears. But, he hated sleeping with the light on, so he'd just stay up.

The song had just ended. Killua sighed and took off his headphones, his ears perked up at the sound of the shower running from the other room. He sat up on his bed, deciding to walk to the kitchen. He didn't know why he decided to go to the kitchen, He wasn't  hungry nor was he thirsty. Maybe he just needed new scenery, since he'd been in his room for a few hours.

He searched through the refrigerator, searching for nothing in particular. He really didn't have the appetite for anything that was there. Sighing, he closed the fridge and went back to his bedroom.

When he closed the door, he realized the shower was no longer running. He'd taken a shower earlier, so he was sitting around in his pajamas.

He desperately needed sleep. Sleeping medicine didn't work and he wouldn't resort to drinking or drugs to put him to sleep. There was another option, but he was sure it wouldn't work. But then again, it didn't hurt to try.

He stepped out of his room, walking to Gon's door, tapping the wood lightly. He didn't hear any movement, so he assumed Gon was already asleep.

He hesitantly opened the door, stepping inside quietly. Making sure his footsteps were silent and unable to be heard by anyone or anything.

He stepped over to Gon's bed. He could barely see Gon's face since it was so dark. Shivers ran up his spine, and goosebumps took over his pale skin.

Killua called out to Gon, in a voice that was merely a whisper. But Gon didn't reply, so he tried again. Resulting in another failed attempt. He decided to shake Gon. Finally, a reaction. Gon moved a bit.

So, Killua shook him again. Finally, Gon was awake.

Gon's eyes open, but his vision was blurry. "Killua, is that you?"

"Yeah." Killua said. "It's me, Gon."

"Did you need something? Is everything okay?" Gon questioned.

"Can..." Killua started before hesitantly continuing, "Can I sleep with you?"

"Killua, I swear. If you're trying to be pervy-"

"I'm not!" Killua retorted. "I-It's just..."

Gon waited patiently to hear what Killua had to say. Surprisingly, he believed what Killua said. He believed that Killua wasn't trying to do anything perverted for once.

"I'm scared of the dark." Killua said in a defeated voice.

"You're scared of the dark?" Gon questioned.

"Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous, but I am. I'm telling the truth."

Gon thought for a moment, then he lifted the covers. "Come on." He said.

Killua smiled and got in the bed with Gon, laying beside him. For once, Killua felt comfortable. He felt safe. He didn't want this feeling to end. But before he knew it, he was fast asleep.

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