Keep It In The Closet

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Kurapika looked up when the door opened, watching as Leorio walked into the room, making direct eye contact with him. "Hey," he said with a small smile on his face.

"Hi," Leorio replied, "Hey, Gon, you mind excusing us?" Leorio inquired.

"Way ahead of you," Gon said.

"So, what's up?" Leorio asked Kurapika once Gon was well out of sight.

"I'm confused about something. Something really important that could ultimately affect the status of our relationship." Kurapika admitted.

"Okay, slow down, what's wrong?" Leorio asked, reaching out to touch Kurapika's cheek. A movement Kurapika shied away from.

"I've said I was straight in the past, but then I started thinking I was bisexual... and now I think..." Kurapika started but stopped to clear his throat, the words struggling in his throat.

"Now, you think you're fully gay?" Leorio asked. Kurapika slowly nodded. "That's not something to be afraid of or ashamed of, Kurapika."

"It isn't?" Kurapika asked, looking up at Leorio with hopeful eyes. He was sure he'd be judged if he said these things out loud, but now it didn't seem that bad.

"Of course not," Leorio said with a chuckle, "Im not straight either, I like you, Kurapika. Call me dumb, call me a lunatic, a simp or whatever, but I believe it was love at first sight."

"Woah there, Lassy, let's calm down," Kurapika said, placing his hands in front of him. "I don't believe in that shit."

"Oh yeah?" Leorio challenged, "Guess I'll have to prove it to you," he said grabbing Kurapika's wrists and bringing them down to his lap. Leorio's hand cupped Kurapika's face, his thumb softly caressed it. Leorio looked deeply into Kurapika's eyes, admiring him. They were in a state of pure, comfortable silence.

Leorio was slowly leaning in to kiss Kiurapika. Kurapika was frozen and unable to move. Leorio looked down at Kurapika's lips then back up at his eyes. Leorio stopped when he and Kurapika's lips were only about two inches apart, his eyes wandered back down to Kurapika's lips. "You're so tense and unsure. I said I'd prove it to you, but not at the expense of your uncomfortableness."

Leorio then sat back and then stood up to walk away. Kurapika was distraught, lost in thought. He didn't know what was happening with him. Maybe his suspicions were correct, maybe not.

"Hey, what's up? I was thinking that'd take a lot longer," Gon joked, sitting in front of Kurapika.

Kurapika looked up at Gon but didn't say a word. He quickly leaned in and kissed Gon passionately. His hands caressed Gon's face hard. He moved back and his eyes widened, realizing what he'd just done. It hadn't clicked in his head that Gon had walked back into the room.

"Oh my gosh," Kurapika said, running out of the room and into the nearest bathroom he could find. He locked the door and sat on the floor against it.

"Kurapika, come out! What's up with you? Why did you just do that?" Gon asked, knocking on the door worriedly. "Kurapika... I'm not mad, I'm just worried, can you come out?" Gon asked softly. He sat against the door as well, his knees bent, his arms across his lap, he head tilted back against the door.

"Little baby.... you can do no wrong... that's why you shouldn't cry as you sing this song," Kurapika said as he cried. This was a song he sang whenever he felt overwhelmed or sad or just emotional in general. This song was held dear to him because it was sang to him by his mother as he held his mother as she died.

"Little baby, sing along to a song... a song that will make you smile for so long.. baby, baby, sing this song, sing it forever and it'll make you very strong..." Kurapika sang, taking deep breaths between each line.

Kurapika heard a phone ring. Then he heard Gon say hello to someone on the other line. He was silent as he listened to the conversation, which Gon had on speakerphone.

"What's up, Gon?" The person on the other line asked.

"Killua, I need your help. Kurapika's freaking out." Gon replied. Kurapika heard steps furthering away from the door.

"Freaking out how? What is he doing?" Killua asked.

"He locked himself in the bathroom and now he's singing a song," Gon admitted.

"Shit, you busy?" Killua asked. "I won't be able to be there for another half hour." He continued.

"I have to go, I have something to do. This was supposed to be an in and out thing. I can't stay. I can ask Leorio to watch him till you get here, or at least check on him momentarily. I don't know when his next break will be."

"Alright that works," Killua replied. "I'll be there soon, alright bye."

"Kurapika, I have to go, but me and you will talk about that kiss," Gon said as he walked away.

I can't tell Killua about this. This is something I'm gonna have to keep in the closet.

30 minutes later

"Kurapika, where are you? This dude Leorio is looking for you. Said he came to check on you but couldn't find you anywhere." Killua said, walking into the VIP room.

"I'm in here," Kurapika replied. "I just needed some alone time, Gon was overreacting."

"Man, if you were singing the song that I think you were singing, he wasn't overreacting." Killua replied, "Come out that bathroom, weirdo."

"Fine," Kurapika agreed. He'd have to find some way to seem normal and fast. But one thing was for sure, he didn't work well under pressure.

Kurapika walked out of the bathroom taking a deep breath as he sat on the couch farthest from Killua. But, of course Killua followed his lead to the couch, sitting beside him. "So, what's up?" Killua asked.

"Nothing, I already told you that." Kurapika replied. "I wish everyone would stop overreacting. It's not even that serious."

"Did you have a flashback or something ? You haven't sang that song in years. You've been doing pretty good so far, so something must've happened to make you sing it again." Killua replied, placing his arms over the couch and repositioning his hips. He was attempting to get comfortable on an uncomfortable couch.

"No, I didn't have a flashback," Kurapika said, his eyes residing on a place they shouldn't have been. He cleared his throat and looked away, "Stop flirting, all that movement and unnecessary shit you're doing. You're too flirty to have a serious conversation with."

"I'm not flirting," Killua chuckled, "I'm just worried about you, but seriously, did Gon do something? Did Leorio?" Killua asked, licking his lips and tilting his head. "You know I'll protect you."

"Will you stop? Nothing happened, just leave me alone."

"Gon told me you didn't start acting weird until something between you two happened, but he won't tell me what happened. Will you?" Killua inquired.


"Kurapika, you feeling any better now? I have a longer break if you want to grab a bite to eat and talk." Leorio said, barging into the room, interrupting Kurapika's sentence.

"Yeah, I'm starved, let's go. I'll see you later, Killua, get back safely!!" Kurapika exclaimed as he held onto Leorio's hand and followed his lead.

"I'm not going anywhere," Killua scoffed once they were out of sight. He left the room and walked around examining the food options. "Yeah, I'm not going anywhere for a while." he said, stuffing a strawberry into his mouth.

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