A Happy House

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To say that Killua was high off sugar would be an understatement. He was high off everything, drunk too. He'd been enjoying himself a little too much and he didn't regret it one bit. Well, he didn't until...

"Shit, I gotta piss," Killua sighed and he stood up from the seat. He used the wall as support as he walked to the bathroom.

He unzipped his jeans and began peeing, but he felt weird. He felt a burning sensation spread through him as the last of his urine dripped into the toilet. He held himself tightly and made a pained face.

"What the hell was that?" He asked himself. He grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped his tip once the burning sensation had ceased.

He staggered out of the room and was met with a chest, he looked up and saw that it was Kurapika. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he inquired.

"I need you to take me to a clinic, NOW." Killua exclaimed.

Killua grabbed Kurapika's wrist and began dragging him to the car. Kurapika waved an awkward goodbye to Leorio and continued along as Killua dragged him.

Once they'd gotten to the clinic, Killua felt the overwhelming urge of having to pee. "I have to pee." Killua sighed.

"Try to hold it, they're most likely going to do a urine test," Kurapika replied. "Sounds to me like you have something," he shrugged.

"I haven't slept with anyone," Killua reminded.

"Oh? You haven't?" Kurapika asked with a raised eyebrow. Killua finally caught on.

"Sunny, fuck." Killua groaned.

"You were both drunk so maybe it was just a precautious thing. Not peeing before or after you guys did it. I doubt it's herpes or aids or anything, but you never know," Kurapika shrugged.

"Killua Zoldyck?" A doctor called out. Killua's head perked up and he stood clearing his throat.

"That's me," he said. The doctor nodded and gestured for Killua to follow him to his office.

Once they'd made it to the office, the doctor asked Killua about how he was feeling and his symptoms.

Soon after, just as Kurapika said, Killua was urged to pee in a cup. Completely forgetting that there may be traces of alcohol still in his system.

Once the cup was full and once the burning sensation ceased, Killua put the lid on the cup. He washed his hands and walked out of the bathroom with an uncomfortable look on his face, seeing the blood inside the cup alongside his pee.

He handed the cup to the nurse and sighed. She smiled softly, "The results will be ready in about 45 minutes. Please have your email on standby."

Killua nodded and left with Kurapika. They went out to get food, they just wanted to waste time and discuss what this could have been.

Finally, a ding chimed on Killua's phone. It was an email, Killua's eyes couldn't help but widen.

"What is it?" Kurapika asked curiously, tilting his head.

"I have a UTI... a urinary tract infection," Killua said, slumping into his chair, "I thought boys couldn't get those."

"It's rare.. but it happens."

"So what does that mean? Sunny wasn't clean?" Killua asked, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"Sun don't shine everywhere, buddy. They got a prescription for you?" Kurapika asked.

"Yeah, come on, let's head to the pharmacy," Killua said with evident sadness in his voice.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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