Well, Maybe...

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Kurapika went back to his room with a heavy head. He couldn't believe it. He liked Gon. Wait, no, that's not true. He didn't like Gon. In his head, he kept trying to blame Killua for this newfound confusion. Kurapika knew he wasn't gay, and even if he was, he wouldn't date Gon. He'd leave Killua to that.

He went to his fridge to retrieve his tub of strawberry ice cream. He scrolled through the channels on the television with the spoon sticking out of his mouth. In his mind, he was still debating his sexuality. But, his answer became clear when he saw the man on the next channel.

The man was tall, and he had spiky black hair. He was shirtless on the screen, he didn't have a full eight-pack, but he was very slim, and had arm muscles. His smile was adorable, his glasses hung low on his face and when he pushed them up with a smirk on his face, Kurapika felt a fire light inside of him.

"Holy shit," Kurapika exclaimed, sitting up on the couch. "I'm not straight," he said, staring at the man on the television. His eyes were fixated on the scene being played out in front of him.

"And it is with a happy heart and a sound mind, I give you the news of the birth of your first child," The man said on the television.

Kurapika couldn't take his eyes off the television. Not that he wanted to anyway.

"Stay tuned for the new season of, 'The Love Expertise,' premiering tonight at midnight." The unknown man said on screen, ending his sentence with a wink.

"Forgive me for the sins I am about to commit," Kurapika said, walking to his room, and grabbing a bottle of lubricant on his way there.

1 hour Later

"Whew, that was amazing," Kurapika said as he panted. "Only downside is I feel like I can't move," he said with a roll of his eyes.

Needless to say, he'd been having fun for a full hour. His entire body was tingling and his... you know, was too sensitive. The smallest touch would cause Kurapika so much pain. But, since the store was bound to open soon, he had to get up and get ready.

"Fuck," he groaned as he stood up and got off of his bed, and slowly walked to his shower. He needed something to wake him up from his daydream.

He turned the knob and the water came splashing down onto his body. He hissed from the chilling of it but sighed a sigh of relief when the hot water made its journey over his sensitive body.

"I like dudes, man, I can't fucking believe it," he said shaking his head in surprise. "I got to tell someone, maybe not Killua yet, 'cause he's a little upset with me because he thinks I like Gon."

After about another half hour of showering and talking to himself in disbelief, Kurapika dried himself off and got dressed for work.

When he got downstairs, he saw a line of people waiting outside the door, he scoffed and unlocked the door, and turned on the lights, the crowd of people followed him inside and began rummaging through the aisles.

Kurapika got himself settled behind the desk and turned on his fan and began reading his book. The only time he stopped reading was when he had a customer approach him with their items.

After the line of people all left, Kurapika felt at peace. The book he was reading had become interesting after a few chapters and he was enjoying reading it.

"Hey, good afternoon," Kurapika heard someone say. He looked up and closed the book quickly, setting it down on the counter in front of him.

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