Chapter 25: This Is It

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It did not take me all that much longer to find a place to hide, after I eventually put my mind in to all of it, even if it was a bit hard for me to see, and to look for where ever it was that I needed to go over to. I went with the lowest of the low of course, which was the fact that I had decided that I was going to sleep on a branch for the night in the end, even if it was not comfortable at all for me sadly.
I would be fine, I just knew that I was going to be aching in the morning, but I knew that I had to get over all of that, as I was certain, that when all was said and done, I was going to be aching all over my body from such a long trek. It really was not all that long ago when I had lived in a two leg nest, and it was rare for me to ever go out and exercise, even when I knew that I had the chance to do so when ever I so pleased.
I just decided not to, due to the fact that I was quite a bit depressed that I could not go out and live in the wild, and that I was stuck in that two leg nest. It was like they had made that cat door to try to temp me to go out, and run away, which of course, in the end I had in fact done such a thing, so they got what it was that they had wanted, and I was glad that they were pleased with all of that, as so was I, as I knew that I loved to be out in the wild.
It was quite a beautiful place to be at, and a beautiful place to look at. Oh, how it had such a much nicer smell than the two leg nest that I used to sleep in a while ago. I had the best views most nights, even if it was completely dark out right now, and I was out in the woods, knowing that there was not all that much for me to see in the very first place any ways, it still felt a whole lot nicer than staring at a blank, not colored in wall every night.
I sighed a bit to my self at the same time as well, as I knew that it was not all bad about the two leg nest, as I knew that it was a safe place to live, and none of the scary creatures, such as the coyotes that had killed my father, could get in to your home, which at least was a little bit of a plus. What was not a plus how ever, was the fact that there was nothing to ever do there, and you lived a miserable life style.
A part of me wanted to stop thinking back on the place, as if I was still a little bit worried that I might all of the sudden go back there, which of course I had tempted my self to do more than just one time at this point. A part of me at the same time too how ever, was glad that I was thinking on these types of thoughts how ever, as it reminded me as to the reason as to why I was so happy out here, and why it was that I was fairly certain that I would never go back to a two leg place.
I smiled just a bit to my self, as I then looked up at the sky through all of the leaves, all of the branches that were all around me right now, and above me at this very moment in time. I knew that this was my home, and that this was where it was that I was meant to be. Maybe not one place in specific just yet, but I was sure that I would find my new home at some point in the very near future.
I remembered what it was that I had been told about the sun trail, as it was going to take me to my new home. I was a bit afraid that the new home was going to be the death of me when I had seen that two leg path in front of me, that was in the way of the place that I had needed to go, but to no surprise, as it had not been the first time that it had happened to me as of late, I was saved, and I ended up being okay, as I got a safe way down to the other side.
Now I did not have to worry about that again, at least, I hoped for quite a bit of some time, as the rest of the day had been a lot easier, and I had just been out in the woods up to this point, as to where it was that I was at, at this very moment in time none the less. I smiled a little bit to my self, as I sighed a bit at the exact same time as well. I knew that I needed to get my self at least a little bit of sleep, as I then all of the sudden closed my eyes.
I was not going to lie to my self, it was quite a cold time of the seasons, and I hoped that at some point it would soon warm up a bit, as it put shivers all over to me, as to the fact that I was out in the cold right now, on top of this branch. I wish that I had a safe and warm nest like I had last night, even if it had given me a stench of a rotten smell, it was safe, comfortable, and it was warm.
The only benefit that this had, was that it was safe, so long as the branch did not snap on me for some odd reason in the middle of the night. I did my best to just shake off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I knew that I just needed to clear my thoughts, and all of my focus, as I knew that I was tired, and that I needed my sleep. After I was able to do as such, it did not take me all that long to fall asleep after all of that in the end.

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