Chapter 18

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Acorntail entered the den delicately. Her claws felt somehow both confident and desperate at the same time, with a light tread gliding over the floor, as though she wasn't already very far from heavy. She had a stoic glare on, aware of Greenwheat arguing with Crasheye outside. She could make out the words, but chose not to acknowledge them. What was important, who was important, was the orange tom in front of her.

Sparkflame looked even more disheveled than last time Acorntail had laid eyes on him. His eyes constantly wandered, his muzzle was grayer, and his fur was more ruffled and pockmarked. For all intents and purposes, the elder seemed to be decaying while still alive. However, there was also a malevolent glint in his gaze that confirmed Acorntail's tormentor was still there. Not all of him, of course, but some of him was hanging on.

"What're you in here for?" he purred with a senile, unfocused gaze. Acorntail grunted. Of course.

She inhaled, remembering the fox friend who she had apologized to. She remembered the new person she had promised to become. I made a promise. She locked eyes with Sparkflame, and snarled, "It's different this time." He smiled, raising an eyebrow. "I genuinely am not afraid of you. I genuinely do not care."

"You're always saying that," he croaked with a grating laugh.

"This time is different. It's true."

"Oooh. Such fire. Where'd this come from? Who taught you to talk like this?" Sparkflame snickered, ending on a hacking cough.

Acorntail's back fur spiked. How did he know someone else was involved?!- No, keep it together. He won't get to you this time. "Nobody. It's none of your business."

Sparkflame laughed - an awful, searing laughter that sounded like every wheeze was immensely difficult for him to make. "Did Caterpillarhug lecture you or something?"

The squirrel went rigid, staring at him. His memory is all over the place. It's annoying. It's so annoying. She grunted with severe effort in keeping her voice together, "He's dead. He's been dead for a long time."

"Ahhh...Ahhhh...What a shame..." Sparkflame murmured, though with a blank smile on his face still. His gaze wandered around the den, as though he were rummaging around in his mind for what little memories he had of the tom. "He was the Clan's favorite plaything."

Acorntail ground her teeth in anger. I was fixed now. I was so sure that I could...That I didn't care any more. How? How does he do this all the time? "Metallicstar's still leader, just so ya know. She wouldn't hesitate to punish your wrinkled old ass for talking so horribly about a Clanmate. Her own brother."

Sparkflame sneered, wheezing. "That weak tiny she-cat never had the strength to punish me before."

He couldn't remember Caterpillarhug's death, but he remembers Metallicstar's cowardice?! Wonder if we've considered the possibility that he's faking all of this. The squirrel warrior grumbled incoherently to herself, a million thoughts passing through her mind at once. But he wasn't wrong about Metallicstar. And she hated when he was right. She turned away a bit, at least having the maturity to acknowledge when things were starting to get too bad to stay. Better leave before I do something I regret.

Suddenly, she saw in her peripheral a giant orange threat barrel at her as Sparkflame pounced towards her. Instincts activated, she sprung away with her fur on end, her eyes wide and slitted. She had her claws spread out and was fully prepared to protect herself, when the elder burst into laughter.

Sparkflame landed on empty ground. "It's just like the old days!" the tom wheezed. His voice rumbled and cracked like it would break irreparably at any moment. He immediately laid where he was, though his claws began churning up the soil beneath him as though he grieved the fact he didn't actually get Acorntail.

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