.THE LAND.(karbala)

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The land of blood

The blood of king,

The land of war

The war for divine,

The land were everyone cried,

The cry of child,

The land which still cry,

The cry for worship,

The land of thrist,

The thrist of believe,

The land with burning sand,

The sand which weeped the heart,

Which won the hearts,

The land of loss,

The loss of floks,

The land of sacrifice,

The sacrifice for everything,

The call from the God in

the middle of the war,

The call divided the war,

The one fought the war,

The one called the god,

The land of victory of history,

With the cost of blood,

The blood won the war,

The war for the fake call,

The war with a believe,

The war stopped because

There was the call from the god

To stop the sword,

To stop the war

The land of faith,

The faith of 72 legends,

The legends With vacent stomach

The caravan with a bride and a groom,

The god left one ill,

For the safety of the left caravan,

The only women raised

the voice in the court of devil,

The voice changed into roar,

She demanded the bright face

Of the man of the war,

Went back to her city,

With bare hand,

And sorrow heart

The one who set the war

Reached the end

And here we still win the war...

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