Sitting on the Earths edge..
looking over the thin green ledge,
At all the.,
worlds I have dreamed inside this old head,
Truth be told I am imagining all this,
comfortably in my bed,
I don't need drugs to find my Nirvana,
I don't need to travel far to find
Valhalla,I see stars everywhere but,
never quite enough,
Just pull out my imagination paintbrush,
I can write twenty poems a day,
Do a tattoo and,
paint a picture along the way,
Write a song for my invisible audience,
So life in truth is never that my grey,
just get a little sidetracked from day today,
Sitting on the Earths edge,
staring over its thin green ledge,
To all the worlds I dream of,
dancing way below,
Close my eyes nice and tight,
it's going to be a hell of a show

PoesieYour words always don't speak what you wanna express Your expression not always supports you Your heart not always beats for you Your desire cannot always burn as fire Your soul is not gonna always be with you Even your shadow leaves you in dark t...