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Sitting on the Earths edge..

looking over the thin green ledge,

At all the.,

worlds I have dreamed inside this old head,

Truth be told I am imagining all this,

comfortably in my bed,

I don't need drugs to find my Nirvana,

I don't need to travel far to find

I see stars everywhere but,

never quite enough,

Just pull out my imagination paintbrush,

I can write twenty poems a day,

Do a tattoo and,

paint a picture along the way,

Write a song for my invisible audience,

So life in truth is never that my grey,

just get a little sidetracked from day today,

Sitting on the Earths edge,

staring over its thin green ledge,

To all the worlds I dream of,

dancing way below,

Close my eyes nice and tight,

it's going to be a hell of a show


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