The first light of the day,
Gave us the Prophet, with the way,
He was born with a statement,
Breaking dark nights,
for the bright lights,
Orphan born, for orphans,
Born poor to enrich,
There were stars and birds singing,
Waiting for bright days,
You spread light to the country side,
You was born with a spark,
The king of religion was born at the time ,
The skies and earth were overwhelmed with light,
It was an unmatched thing,
on unmatched time for an unmatched man,
His first bath was with holy water,
By four blessed women's from jannah,
He was born with a stamp on his back,
As a sign of Prophet,
The noble family was blessed with a light,
which shines a cross the globe,
A star was born the night he was born,
The holy lake and fire of Persians,
Extinguished and dried,
The idols fell flat to bow you,
The towers of the palace were fell down,
People in deep sleep woke up with crackling noice,
Persians night turned into fear,
Morning broke and turned into a gathering,
Speaking about the fear,
A judge raised voice and said i had a dream last night,
Roaring camels and rearing horses Were before us,
They found the dream has a meaning,
Everything turned into a puzzle,
The letters were send every where,
To know the reason of changing air,
This event was never seen before,
Stars fell down from the sky,
Like leaves in autumn at the night,
He was born with a revelation ofcourse,
The unmatched person,
the last Prophet,
Who changed the spiritual form of the world,
He led us the way to endless bliss,
He was given a name never heard before,
He was a beautiful child with Light on face,
pure heart as water,There were conversations in,
every house and everywhere,
About light in house, On ground,
He was given a different name to change the game,
He was given a name,
With a statement

PoesíaYour words always don't speak what you wanna express Your expression not always supports you Your heart not always beats for you Your desire cannot always burn as fire Your soul is not gonna always be with you Even your shadow leaves you in dark t...