Peace is something everyone must have, it's like a medicine to live with good state to self, it is as important as food to body and strength to soul, which also have categories as internal and external, no matter what type or kind it is, a man with mental peace can live 100 times better in any condition weather it is your financial or social life, but the same person with all the luxury and status is never satisfied if there is no peace of mind, peace gives you satisfaction to self, and self satisfaction is not important than anything you can have, it gives confidence and and security, if there is understanding there is no war ,understanding with self and understanding with others is same as ocean and shore, they always meet but it depends on the waves the ocean brings with it, high waves can be beautiful and dangerous at the same time, and low waves brings rhythm, soul, peace, and a bliss, everytime it depends on the situation how to react and act, there is no way to walk in and find peace ,it lies at every peak of your sight, it begins with your own smile, which reflects sky, and ends with greed, there is peace even in thunders , people with greed and violence have empty soul ,which smells raw as blood, and they taste dark, They blund people with pain which surrounds them, torture there mind and kill them, i guess it's a destiny to rest in peace...
PoetryYour words always don't speak what you wanna express Your expression not always supports you Your heart not always beats for you Your desire cannot always burn as fire Your soul is not gonna always be with you Even your shadow leaves you in dark t...