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I'm not afraid

I'm not afraid

The darkness called my name

But I'm protected by a flame

I'm not afraid

My debt is payed

Oh the demons like to play

And I made room inside my brain

I'm not afraid

I chase the day

The darkness likes to prey

But I keep nightlights on display

I'm not afraid

That's what I say

Come the devil as he may

And with a fiddle for to play

I'm not afraid

I'm here to stay

Oh, no I'm not afraid

The Sun it shines a ray

The force of darkness bound to pay

Sending nightmares where I lay

I'll reply with only ok

The bounds of hell are held at bay

The black is fading into grey

My light shines on without delay

And my shadowed fears decay

I'm not afraid

No I'm not afraid

I'm not afraid

.RHYTHM OF SOUL.Where stories live. Discover now