I came here to drop some money, dropping all my money💵

951 36 4

Lisa's solo tho🔥

Money has been stuck in my head for so long, 

(it's rushed, sorry for the mistakes)


Ooh scary stories, sounds fun, let's have a bit of fun

Everything is ten times more fun in the dark.

Lisa looked up from her phone and looked around. There was no one there.

"Guys, it's getting late," Lisa said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired," Rose said.

"Let's walk back," Bambam said as they nodded.

They stood up and walked back to the house which was a couple of houses away.

"It's so dark," Rose said.

"And quiet," Jisoo said.

"It's creepy," Bambam said as they looked around the neighborhood.

"Well, watch your back, anything could happen," Jennie said.

"Ya, Jennie, what are you talking about?" Jisoo yelled making her laugh.


We walked down the neighborhood to go back to Jackson's house.

Why is this place so silent?

What the hell is that sound?

I heard footsteps, from behind.

It wasn't close but it was there.

I moved up towards the rest as they argued and turned my head towards them.

"Okay, enough arguing, you are going to wake the neighbors," I say.

"Oh, I forgot that you were new, everyone living here has disappeared. That's why Jackson has parties because everyone is apparently on vacation," Bambam said.

"Hmm, sounds suspicious to me," Rose said.

Then I heard the footsteps coming from behind me. 

I looked at the girls as they spoke and I glanced behind me.

There was a figure following behind. The person seemed to be holding a knife in their hand.

"Guys, you want to race back?"  I asked.

"Okay, ready, set, go!" Bambam yelled and ran as the girls followed.

I was about to run when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I grabbed the person's arm and swung them over my head. 

Then I threw my fist, aiming for their face but then the person dodged and tried to flip me.

Luckily I landed on my feet and I tripped the person by kicking their legs.

"Ahh, my back," 

"Jimin? what the hell," I said as he sat up.

Then the other boys came.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked

Why were they here? I looked around, but the figure wasn't there anymore.

"Oh, I thought you were a stranger," I said as Jimin glared at me.

Then I got another message

From: Unknown

Aren't you forgetting something?

Never leave a game unfinished

Huh? What does that mean?

Then it hit me.

 I quickly ran back to Jackson's house as the boys yelled at me and followed

I arrived at the house and looked for their cars.

They were still parked in their spots

"Lisa? What's happening?" Jhope asked.

Then I saw Jackson

"Jackson!" I yelled and ran to him

"Lisa? You're still here? The party finished a couple of minutes ago," Jackson said

Oh no.

They couldn't have gotten them

I called their numbers and waited for them to pick up.

"Lisa!" The girls ran up to me. Where is Bambam?

"Lisa, s-someone took Bambam," Jennie said in a shaky voice

 "We ran here, and then Bambam got a message. He told us that he had to meet a friend in the corner, so we waited," Jisoo said

"Then we heard a scream. We ran to where he went and he was gone, but his phone was on the ground, cracked," Rose continued.

 There is someone I don't know of. Someone who has been contacting them.

"Someone explain to us, what is happening," Yoongi said

The girls looked at them confused

"Wait, why are they here?" Jennie asked

"Ignore them, if you get a text, don't open it. I need to go and find him," I warned

"But how?" Jisoo asked


"I need to go back," I said

Drop some money, all this bread so yummy

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