"Wait a minute Mr. Postman"📮💃👁👄👁

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Short flashback 


"Come in," Taehyung said.

His smile disappeared when he saw me.

What is wrong? Why is he like this?

I entered his house for the first time in 2 weeks

Memories of before had filled my head.

My mum making out with some guy at home.

I sat on the couch as Taehyung disappeared into the kitchen.

I looked around at the decor and the pretty lights, then a picture caught my attention

It was a framed picture which was hung on the wall.

There were 9 people.

Taehyung's parents, himself, and 6 boys.

He never said anything about siblings

I looked in front of me as I heard Taehyung clearing his throat.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked

He sat down and looked straight at my eyes.

"Lisa," He started.  

He never called me by my actual name unless it was serious

"Yes?" I replied.

"I-I... This isn't working anymore, we aren't working anymore," He said. 

My heart, well the tiny pieces of my heart that were still alive, dropped. 

"I'm tired of this. Why do you act this way all the time? You disappear, don't even want to tell me what is wrong, you never let me help," He said raising his voice.

He looked at me, waiting for my reply

"You get on my nerves, I already have to worry about other stuff, I'm busy with work, my mum," He listed

I listened to his words which sounded like sh*t.

It doesn't make sense

I don't tell him because I don't want him to worry or waste his time. My situation is more complicated. I don't want to involve him in my family problem. Does he want me to give him more problems?

I'm just a burden. I annoyed the only person who loved me.

It's all my fault.

"Then don't," I say 

"What?" He says even though he heard clearly

"Don't. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself, I don't need any help. We should focus on our own things, and go separate ways," I say and stand up. Part of me wants him to tell me to stay because I'm scared of being by myself.

I had his support whenever I was down. Now... he is gone. 

I have no one

He stood up, not taking his eyes off mine.

Was he looking for tears? I'm sorry Taehyung but those ran out a while ago

He looked disappointed. 

Like he wanted me to take everything I had said back. 

"Y-you may go," Taehyung slowly said as his voice cracked

I stood up and walked towards the door.

As much as I wanted to run back and jump into his arms, I couldn't. He made it clear that he doesn't want me around.

I opened the door and went out.

As I shut the door, I heard a small sob escape from his mouth

All of the sudden, I felt tears fall down my face. I haven't cried since I was a kid. Why did this make me cry? 

So it's true when they say your heart and mind think differently

I didn't want to go back and see his face.

No, I didn't want to go back and let him see my tears.

Taehyung POV

As I heard her words, I felt my heart crack.

She was distant lately and I began to doubt if she loves me

Every day I thought about her. 

I thought about her smile and her laugh

I missed her. She was in my mind 24/7, it was making me forget about everything else

I thought about how we first met and how she made me happy.

Everything went wrong because of me. I explained my feelings in the wrong way.

I wanted more. I wanted her to give me more.

I'm so selfish.

The need for her company grew strong and instead of spending time with my family and doing my work, I thought of her instead. She stopped visiting me at night or calling me to hear my jokes. 

When I saw her today, my feelings for her took control of me. I forgot that I didn't see her for weeks. Her disappearance frustrated me.

I was meant to tell her that I love her so much, I thought of her every day but for some reason, I used the wrong words.

I wanted her to tell me all her problems and worries so that I could solve all of them and spend more time with her.

Lisa, I love you so much

I'm sorry

I looked into her eyes, and there weren't any tears. Is she not sad? Was I not important to her?

As she walked to the door, I wanted to run to her and hug her, but I already said my words.

Tears fell down my face and I sobbed, hoping for her to turn back.

Then the door closed, destroying all my hope 

I needed her, but did she need me?

I didn't want to go after her because it was too late

I didn't want to go after her and let her see my tears

This song is 😫💜✨

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