✨When he loves me I feel like I'm floating✨

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He calls me pretty, I feel like somebody 

(it's rushed hehe, there may be mistakes)

Lisa was about to run to her room when someone jumped onto her body, making her fall.

"Ahh, Jimin, get off, what the hell is wrong with you?" Lisa shouted.

He lifted her up and ran to his room where the other guys were.

He threw her on the bed and they locked the door.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? What do you want, I need to do something," Lisa shouted.

"You are not going anywhere till you tell us everything," Namjoon said

"Let me go!" Lisa said.

"What happened with your mother and father? Why is this whole thing happening?" Yoongi asked making Lisa freeze.

"Who the hell told you about them!" Lisa yelled.

She looked at Taehyung who shook his head.

"Your mother did," Jungkook said

"Then why are you trying to get me to tell you when you already know? Just listen to whatever she says," Lisa said

"Why can't you just tell us?" Jimin asked, crossing his arms

"Tell you what?" Lisa asked

"What happened in that house," Jin said

Memories from inside the house flooded her mind

"None of your business," Lisa said

"C'mon, we want to help, don't you think Bambam has waited long enough?" Jimin asked

Lisa glared at them.

"Ugh fine then," Lisa said

"When I was a little girl, my parents were always busy so they made me live in a big house by myself. Well, it wasn't myself, there were guards and maids.

 I lived alone till I was 13. I wasn't allowed to leave the house, I had to stay in there for years. After a while, my father came home and decided to live with me. We got along and we gave each other company. Then my mum came home and we all lived together. 

One day my dad told me that I was going to take over his job when he dies. My mother was against it and told him to leave me alone but he didn't. 

One day my mother went on a short business trip, and he locked me in the basement and told me that he was going to train me. 

He hired these people who would come to me and force me to do things. They beat me till I was about to fight back. They injected things into my body and kept me in the dark. I was basically an experiment. I got tired and angry because they were strict and it was making me go crazy so I started to fight back.

 My mother came home and she didn't know about the things he was doing. She just heard that I hurt people. They let me go outside, and I became friends with some guy I had met in the park. I fell for him, and he confessed to me.

After a while, I realized that something was up with my mother. 

When my dad was away in his office, she would always bring this guy. I forgot his name, but he was her workmate. I caught them making out. I was mad but didn't do anything because it would break everything. I just wanted a normal life with a loving family.

I went to my boyfriend's house and I told him, but he said that he was also stressing because of his mother. Because of this, we broke up. He said that he couldn't worry about me because he had problems so I let him go.

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