Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

My adrenaline spiked as I drove as fast as I could to the hospital.

Axel is barely breathing next to me and my heart is beating faster than it ever was.

"Don't die on me, James! I'm warning you."

I stopped honking the horns when we arrived in front of the hospital emergency entrance.

"He can't breathe!" I shouted as I opened the car door, helping him out. Nurses came to our aid in an instant, taking him in on a stretcher. I followed them but a nurse stopped me, telling me I can't go inside.

What is happening? I shouldn't have had that darn mushroom soup. Fuck this.

I sat on a bench in the hallway, waiting for news. My feet tapped the floor sporadically and I started biting my nails.

Tears streamed down my face as I think of all the possibilities.

What if he dies? Oh God, please no. Let him live, please.

"You can see him now." A nurse called on me.

My head rose immediately and I stood like lightning, "Where is he? What happened?"

"He's inside the emergency. His throat swelled but he was administered with epinephrine already. The doctor will come later and discuss everything."

"Alright," I nodded. "Thank you so much."

She gave me a curt nod and I rushed inside to look for Axel. My eyes skimmed through the white curtains that served as partitions of the hospital beds until they landed on a familiar figure.

He lay with his eyes closed - one hand resting on his side and the other on his chest.

I wiped the tears away and composed myself before walking towards him.

"How are you feeling?"

His eyes opened as cleared his throat, albeit in pain, "Better. A little lightheaded."

I moved closer, "Your voice is still hoarse, don't overwork it. I'm sorry."

He shook his head lightly, "It's not your fault."

"I know, but still."

A weak smile spread on his lips.

A doctor went to us with a chart in hand. "Good evening, Mr. James."


"How are you feeling?"

"Kind of dizzy, but better."

The doctor nodded as he scribbled on the chart, "Epinephrine has that effect on some people. It's normal but be sure to inform us if it progresses."

"We will," I replied.

"Ah, I see you're the one who brought him here?"


"It's a good thing you brought him in time. Anaphylaxis is fatal had you just let it happen." He turned to Axel, "You're lucky to be alive, Mr. James."

My hand flew to my mouth and all the emotions came rushing again. Oh God, I would've been a murderer.

Axel chuckled next to me, bringing his hand to tap my arm. "It's okay, Grant."

"No, it's not," my voice broke.

Oh shit, don't cry.

I cleared my throat and composed myself.

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