Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

I stared into oblivion as the scene on the café kept replaying in my head.

Are they working together?

I can't tell Axel because then he'd know that I lied about Dean being my boyfriend.

I can't ask Dean because he'd wonder how I saw him and that could lead me to tell him what happened with Axel last night.

And what if he really was working with Katie? What if he was just playing me? If I tell him what I know, he'd certainly deny it. I can't risk them being one step ahead of us.

Oh God, this is so confusing. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place.

"Lauren? Lauren! Earth to Lauren!" Cassandra snapped her fingers in front of my face.


"What happened to you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"I need a report of the outstanding AR. Can you furnish it today?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll email you the file later."

"Okay. Thanks, Lauren."

"No problem."

I went back to work and tried to clear my head of the Dean situation.

But if they're really working together... Oh God, I practically asked him to be my boyfriend.

Where's your dignity, Lauren? Thrown out the window! Inexistent, I tell you.

Fuck, this is just great.


I stood from my seat abruptly and walked out of my cubicle.

"Where are you going, Lauren?" Dave asked.

"I'm just gonna go get some air. I'll be right back."

My feet took me to the elevators, fingers pressing on RD.

As soon as I got to the roof deck, I felt my lungs expand as I took in deep breaths.

My eyes scanned the area to see if anyone's around. No soul in sight. Good.

I walked closer to the railings and watched the traffic below.

How did everything get so complicated?

I went here looking for a fresh start, but it seems like everywhere I go, trouble is out to find me.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Hailey. I need to talk to someone or else I'll go insane.

"Lauren? What's up? Are you okay? Why are you calling during work hours?"

"I feel like I'm losing my mind."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at work. At the roof deck."

"Oh my God. Don't do anything rash, Lauren. Talk to me, please. We can handle it." Her voice bordered on crying.

"Dummy, I'm not going to jump."

She heaved out a sigh.

"I was just overwhelmed by everything. It feels like my lungs are constricted. I feel suffocated. I just want to scream."

"Then fucking scream!"

"I can't."

"Who says you can't? Go on, scream."

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