Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

No matter what age you are, it's embarrassingly awkward to have your Grandmother find you in a compromising position.

I looked over to Axel and his eyes were fixated at my Lola in shock, still on top of me. I pushed him a little to wake him up from being frozen, he stood immediately and offered me his hand to help me up. I took it, not wanting to cause any more drama. I don't even know how to explain this bit to Lola, how would I know how to explain a snarky refusal to accept his simple help?

I love my Lola but I can't deny how much I loathe her sexism and antiquated thinking. She still believes men are stronger than women. And of course, being raised with the 'always respect your elders' Filipino trait, I can't talk back. I've learned my lesson because I actually did one time and it didn't go well, I was grounded for a week as a result, and from then on, I just kept my opinion to myself and my mouth shut and internally vomit the words Okay, Boomer.

I know I can't be grounded now that I'm a grown-ass woman living on my own, but I'll take the higher ground. I can't have my Grandmother have a heart-attack because of me.

"Uh, I'm sorry. It was an accident." Axel fought to find his words to explain to Lola. He looked over to me, face apologetic, and expressing worry. "I better go. I'm afraid my boss told me I can't be seen with her in public."

"That doesn't make sense." My Lola said, baffled. Hailey raised her brows at me.

"Yeah, well, that's her." He replied. I just looked at him looking at Lola with a nervous smile on his face.

"It was really nice to meet you and I hope you won't hold what just happened against Lauren. It wasn't her fault; it was just an accident." He moved closer to Lola and took her right hand, placing the back of it against his forehead. He remembered. "I hope to see you again soon, Lola. If I can still call you that."

"Of course, you can, Hijo." Lola smiled. I'll take that as a good sign.

Axel smiled triumphantly, "Uh... Enjoy New York."

"I will."

"Alright, I'll just walk Axel to the elevator." I interrupted.

"Okay. You take care, Axel. It was nice to meet you too."

Axel offered a nod and a smile, took the garment cover with his used clothes then walked with me out of the apartment.

"I can't believe you just sweet-talked your way out of that. And that my Grandmother bought it!" I said as we wait for the elevator.

He chuckled, "You know, she's really nice. You're lucky."

"Well, she isn't like that all the time. You're lucky today. But yeah, I'm lucky I have her."

He smiled, "I saw where you got your good looks from."

I snorted, "Yeah, well good looks. Thanks, I guess."

He shook his head slightly, disapproving. "You do know you're gorgeous, right?"

I felt my blood rush to my face. I never really knew what to say when someone tells me this.

The elevator dinged, opening in front of us. The car's empty. Thank God.

"There you go!" I said with more enthusiasm than I'd like.

He chuckled, "Saved by the bell." He shook his head then entered the elevator. "I'll see you around, Grant." He said then the elevator doors closed.

I exhaled slowly as I walked back to my apartment.

He just said that to mess with me.

Remember the game, Lauren. He's just playing you. He said so earlier. Don't forget that.

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