Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Three days. We only have three days to finalize everything for the proposal. You would think that would be enough time to make sure everything looks great, but when it comes to my sister, great doesn't cut it. It has to be perfect.

It would have been easier if her design team had been around to help us, but no, uh-uh, my sister refused to call them because she wanted Hailey's proposal to be the work of our hands.

More like my hands.

She kept on telling me what to do.

Laurie, glue the feathers on the string.

Laurie, knot it three times.

Laurie, that's not what it's supposed to look like.

Laurie this, Laurie that. I'm getting tired of my own name.

I was slumped on the floor, working my ass off while Axel was just playing with Xan. Building legos, connecting puzzles, coloring-in coloring books. The man was having the time of his life while I was barely getting any break, getting scolded by my sister, and burning my fingers with hot glue.

Josh owes me big time for this.

It was late in the afternoon when Axel checked in on me while I was sorting the fairy lights with the feathers that I attached to strings. He asked if he could help with anything as he has just put Xan down for a nap. I was about to say that I could use a hand, but Noelle answered for me with a, "Oh my God, can you please get us some coffee? That would mean so much."

He made lattes, following a YouTube tutorial, because a.) doesn't know how to, b.) he doesn't know where the café was, and c.) even if he won't say it, I knew that he was worried that people might find out who he was. Though I'm guessing some people already knew because of what happened at the salon yesterday.

A little while later, Xanthippe woke from her nap and came running to the living room, "Mommy, Mommy, look!"

I glanced up from the feathers I was gluing and saw Xan with a banknote in her hand.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"The tooth fairy came," she spoke with glee and then extended the bill, revealing the face of Benjamin Franklin.

I almost choked on my saliva. My head whipped to Axel behind me. I know, without a doubt, that this was his doing. "A hundred dollars?" I mouthed.

"It was all I had," he whispered. "I didn't have smaller bills."

"Honey," Noelle cleared her throat. "I think the tooth fairy has made an error."

"What do you mean, Mommy?"

"I think," she glanced at us then back to Xan. "You have to put it back under your pillow."

"But why?"

"Because the tooth fairy gave you too much, darling. She can't give the other kids money if she spent it all on you."

"But what if the tooth fairy wanted it that way because she likes me because I'm a good kid?"

I cleared my throat, "You are a good kid, Xan, but I think your mom is right. Why don't you put it back and sleep, and if you woke up and it's the same, then we're all sure that the tooth fairy wanted it that way, huh?"

"Hmm..." she placed her finger on her temple.

Noelle and I stared at her with our mouths ajar, expecting an answer.

"Okay! I don't want the other kids to not have anything."

"Yes," I nodded. "That's right. Do you want me to help put it back?"

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