Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The rest of the day went pretty well after Axel went away. 

The whole office was buzzing when afternoon came because it's New York Fashion Week next week. It was the reason why Axel came over. He had to clarify parts of his contract to a partner and Harper's the only one available today.

What I don't understand though is why he personally went there. Isn't that his manager's job?

The girls congratulated me on the 5 dates with Axel. Apparently, I'm only the second one they know to get 5 dates because in their cases, the guys who walked in all had girlfriends. So, it's just the quick 20-minute  coffee. It also didn't help that he's a freaking celebrity and that they love him.

They were all: "Oh my God, you're so lucky!".

If they only knew Axel James as I know him, they would be glad of their 20-minute dates.

Bad news is, the only person who they know went on 5 dates is Jen – the one  I replaced. She got married to her 5-dates guy and had his baby, which was the reason why she quit.

Now, I have to be very careful about those dates with Axel. I can never ever let myself catch feelings for that excuse of a human being. I guess it wouldn't be hard enough with his demeanor. Selfish, entitled prick.

Cassandra taught me how the company manages its AR  account and how to use the system they require. It can't be learned in one-sitting; she said it would take us about 2 weeks to cover the basics and then she'll just guide me towards their bi-monthly billings and monthly reports.

I slumped on my couch as soon as I got home.

I have very mixed feelings about today but overall, it's just exhausting and yet it's only Monday. Great.

My phone pinged from a text message.

Hailey: "Hey, how's your first day?"

I typed away, "Too much. Can I call you rn?"

My phone immediately rang. I guess she's free to talk right now.

"Hello?" I answered.

"So, how did it go?" she grilled. I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"You are a very excited person, you know that?" I said.

"Well, not for everyone. And you can't change the subject! Tell me how it went!"

I shook my head, "Oh, you would not believe who showed up at work today."

"Okay, don't give me suspense, Lauren. Spill!" she said playfully.

I exhaled noisily, "It's Axel James."

"What?" her voice rising.

"Uh-huh. And now I have to go on 5 dates with him." I said in gritted teeth.

"Holy Mother of God! What?!" she screamed. I had to move my phone away from my ear.

"B-but how? What happened?" she demanded.

"I'll explain everything. But first, you need to calm down."

"Woman, how am I supposed to calm down?"

I placed a palm on my forehead. I guess telling her wasn't a brilliant idea based on her reactions, but here we are...

"Okay, okay. Listen to me, alright?"

I  told her everything that happened on my first day of work. From the traveling opportunities to the dare. From Axel showing up to the fact that I'm only the second one of my workmates to have 5 dates. She interjected the whole time with her snarky comments and snidey remarks.

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