author note

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and here i am, writing my final author note for my fourth finished book. *sobs eagerly*

if "playlist" was about living your life fully, "the last time we broke up" was about having well-built communication with your partner, and "for your happy ending" was about accepting that not all things goes our will, this book is my way to tell you all my opinion about accepting the past. dan kalo di antara kita punya masalah yang terlalu berat buat dipikul sendiri, terlalu takut buat diceritakan ke orang yang kita percayai, it's better untuk pergi ke ahlinya dan berkonsultasi ke profesional, because our mental health does matter.

now that you've reached this page, do you enjoy your reading? 

i hope you do. 

buku ini masih banyak kurangnya, jadi kritik dan saran untuk cerita ini boleh banget ditulis di sini, ya!

jangan lupa jaga kesehatan, ya! tetap semangat!

salam hangat,

Beyond BoundariesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang