Chapter 12

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"I was wondering when the goddess of wisdom would grace me with her presence," Heimdal said as he turned around from his post.

"I do apologize for not coming sooner," I say to him with a smile.

"No worries at all princess," he offers a kind smile, "I know you've been occupied with your lessons. How are those going for you?" He motions for me to follow him to the other entrance of the bifrost.

"Very well thank you," I look out to the billions of stars, my breath taken away by the gorgeous site. "It must be amazing to come to work with a view like this."

"The universe is quite beautiful, so are the millions of lives in it."

"You watch over all of them?"

"As much as I can," he says with a gentle tone, "Now how can I assist you princess?"

"Other than providing great company," I say bashfully of him knowing I would come to ask for help, "I was hoping you could decipher a vision I've been having."

"Of course, how do you know it's a vision?"

"Well it is not like how my other powers reveal themselves, I vividly see it happening before me."

"Is it of the future, present, or past?"

"That's another issue, I am not sure," I continue to relay to him bits that I can rember of the vision. He watches me intently as I describe it.

"And are you sure it is Odin?" he asks at the end.

"My intuition tells me so."

"Well I have not seen Odin in such a situation," he says, turning away from me, "So this could be a prophecy of the future."

"That possibility has crossed my mind as well," I can't help but sense there is something Heimdall isn't telling me.

"Or it could be a dream, a sign of an overactive imagination," he turns back to me, uncertainty now in his golden eyes.

I tilt my head, catching onto his change in tone, he simply glances to the entrance of the bifrost. I look over to what he was signing to and see a raven resting on a pillar. Odin's raven no doubt.

"Yes I guess it could be that as well, my father always said I was one for vivid dreams as a child," trying to sound as unfazed as I can.

"How is your father? It is a shame he hasn't come to visit, it has been sometime," he says, changing the subject as casually as he can.

"He is well, busy with his obligations as always," I add dryly.

"And how about your obligations, any luck in finding a suitable suitor?"

I laugh in response, he walks over to have a seat on the steps of the centerpiece and I head over to join him.

"From what I've heard you've made quite an impression on a certain warrior," he says, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh you've heard?" I say teasing back.

"It is rather the talk around Asgard, a beautiful princess and an horable warrior, the stuff which fairytales are made from. Of course I've had to watch a moment or two myself to make sure our guest was being treated properly." I giggle at his cenceraty.

"Frandal is..." I take a moment to think, "very sweet and kind."

"He is quite the catch, a great warrior, close friend to the crown, and not so bad looking," I nod my head in agreement as he speaks, "So tell me, why is that you haven't fallen for him?"

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