Chapter 64

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"You two can stay here for the night," Druig said as he opened the doors to a decently sized cottage, "my men should be back around midday tomorrow with your information."

"Whose home is this?" Loki asked him as we stepped into the living room.

"No one in particular," Druig answered, "I built it incase any of the others wanted to come visit me but, that doesn't happen very often."

It had been a long while by the looks of it. Dust lined a majority of the shelves and the floorboards creaked as we made our way through the home.

"Well I leave you to get some rest," Druig said making his way to the doors, "there are 6 bedrooms in this house, I'm sure that more than enough room. Bathrooms and linen are stocked but do let me know if you need anything else. Also, try not to keep your neighbors up all night," he said with a smug look on his face before closing the doors.

"Well, he was nice," I say to Loki as he continues to look around the home.

"Fancy him do you?" Loki raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh stop it," I scoff at him and begin to head to the stairwell.

"Careful darling," his voice deepens, "I'm starting to believe you have a type."

"Please," I roll my eyes at him and open up the doors to one of the bedrooms, "it was your idea to come to him to ask for help."

"True but that doesn't mean you get to fling yourself at him," he says breathing over my shoulder.

"Fling myself at him?" I turned to face him, "I barely even spoke to him!"

"I can hear your thoughts, remember?" he said taking another step forward.

"How could I ever forget," I stated, glaring at him.

"So you do find him attractive?" He accuses more than asks.

"I don't know Loki, since you can peer into my mind so much, why don't you tell me?"

"Well I can't anymore you've put up your walls," he shouts after me as I leave the room.

"You know what, I'm tired of this jealousy act of yours," I huff, turning to face him again.

"Jealousy?" he gasped.

"Yes! You do this act with anyone I so much as glance at. Almost as if I'd disregard us so quickly," I continue, "as if everything we've been through means nothing."

"Us?" he muttered.

"How are you so taken aback by this?" I laughed, "You're the one that started with all the "you're mine" stuff," I say mimicking his speech.

He didn't reply but stared at me wide eyed from across the hall. I let out a sigh watching him press his lips together not knowing how to respond.

"What did you think this was?" I motioned to him and I, "did you really think after all this time, you were just some booty call?"

"A What, I'm sorry?" he asked with an even more concerned look on his face.

"Casual sex," I clarified sighing at my use of midgardian slang, "Did you think I just kept you around for casual sex?"

"Well I didn't think it was "causal" sex," he replied with a grin on his face. His grin quickly dropped when he saw I wasn't laughing, "Right sorry."

The house grew quiet, quiet enough to hear the life of the forest around us. He averted my gaze watching the ground. Was he really this unaware of my feelings? Were my actions not evidence enough? Granted I had turned him down before but that was long ago. We had both grown so much since then.

"Loki," his gaze coming to me, "I care for you."

His chest quivered as my words hit their mark. He didn't try to hide the relief in his eyes. I gently made my way to him, keeping my focus on his eyes. He tried to keep the tears from surfacing but I knew how much the weight of my confession was to him. Placing my hand on his chest, I could feel his heartbeat.

"I'm yours," I confessed.

"And I'm yours," he replied.


The curtains provided no shelter from the midgardian sun as it illuminated the entire room. I dragged my head off the floor and held the blanket over my chest. Loki and I spectacularly failed at not keeping the neighbors up all night. I bit the inside of my cheek trying to hold back my smile as I remembered the events of last night.

"Shh," Loki had uttered into my ear, "you need to control your moans for me darling," he said with that mischievous grin before placing his hand over my mouth and then mercilessly pounding into me.

I turned to look at the charred wood in the fireplace. We had also failed to stay in any of the bedrooms and ended up sleeping on the floor of the living room.

"Good morning love," Loki shared, sensing me awake.

I stood up and grabbed the blanket wrapping it around myself heading for the kitchen. That's where I found him in just his pajama pants over the stove. I stood in the doorway to the kitchen admiring as his bare back muscles moved with all of his motions. Gods, I'd pay an absurd amount to be able to see how those muscles looked while he was on top of me. Maybe a room with a mirror on the roof wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"Careful darling," he purred into my mind. He turned towards me pan in hand, "It took all the restraint I had not to fuck you awake this morning," he said with a grin.

"What a shame you have such great self control," I smirk back. He shook his head and laughed.

"Come sit, I made us breakfast," he motioned for me to take a seat at the kitchen island.

With the blanket still wrapped around my naked body and part of it dragging on the floor I made my way over. I sat on the stool as Loki brought over bowls with fruit in them. He picked up a small berry and signaled for me to open. I did so and plopped the berry into my mouth. He brought hand to my cheek as I chewed and nestled into his hand.

We managed to eat breakfast peacefully. The shower wasn't as peaceful however. After getting ready we went into the village to find our host, we gained a couple of glances from the residents of the neighboring cottages on our way there.

"Well you two are certainly up earlier than expected," Druig said as a way of greeting.

"It's almost midday," I laughed.

"Exactly," Druig replied with a smile.

"Any word from your men?" Loki asked redirecting.

"In fact I did receive intel back," he answered, "I'm not sure what your plan is going to be with it though."


"They lost my scepter?" Loki exclaimed. Shoot I guess I forgot to mention that to him.

"Yeah and apparently Hydra has been using it for experiments," Druig added.

"But they don't know Hydra is still operational, do they?" I sighed.

"From what I understand, no," Druig answered.

"We need them to have the stone in their grasp," Loki says, shaking his head, "how else are they going to protect it?"

"We're going to have to get it back for them," I proposed.

"Is leaving the stone with them such a great idea?" Druig asked, "They keep losing it to each other, how are they meant to keep it guarded from the other threats."

"To be far," I added, "The Avengers technically don't know it's missing. They just need a push in the right direction."

"We need to make them aware of Hydra's presence..." Loki finished for me. I nodded my agreement.

"My men did inform me," Druig chimed, "That they overheard someone is recruiting people to overthrow a S.H.I.E.L.D ship, and it's coursed to cross waters nearby."

"That will be my way in," I replied. 

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