'*•.¸♡𝘼𝙠𝙞𝙧𝙖 𝙃𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙖 𝙭 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩! 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ♡¸.•*'

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A/N This short story was quite rushed and definitely not my best since I already wrote for like- 7 hours about Ryou earlier, but I just had to make this! I really don't know this character at all, but I tried my best with what I did know!

This story was made for a very kind friend of mine, and I really hope they enjoy this! And Yuu, when you see this, Ily platonically as well <3

It was a cold winter day, and here you were, stuck inside. Your nose was red and runny, your face flushed. You were surrounded in warm blankets and the hoodie of the one and only-

"Akiraaa, I'm cooold-"

"I know I know, I'll be there in a second," the white-haired boy replied, making something in the kitchen. After a few minutes of suffering in silence, he came to you with a warm bowl of soup. He wouldn't let you feed yourself because apparently, you're "shaking like a leaf," and he doesn't want you "spilling it all over yourself."

He spoon-fed you the soup, much to your embarrassment. Your face was already red enough though, thanks to the heater being broken. At least you still had the fireplace to warm up by.

After he was done with the warm food, which took a while because of how stubborn you are, he sat behind you. That confused you a little bit, but not for long because his intentions were clear. He put his head on top of yours and mumbled;


Now usually you would have ended him right then and there, maybe strangled him with his own hoodie. But this time he was lucky because you were tired. So tired in fact, that you passed out in his arms. He heard your soft snores, glad that you finally fell asleep. He was worried about you, but he couldn't but say it straight to your face of course. He's just too stubborn.

He reluctantly got up from his spot behind you, deciding to make some tea made for unclogging noses. It had a very nice scent too, I mean, that is his field of expertise. It had a strong apple cinnamon scent to it, but it died down after a while of it cooling down.

You woke up to his soothing voice talking to someone.

"Yes yes, Jun, he's asleep right now. Yes, I'm taking care of him, don't worry... I know, yes. I should go check on him," Then there was a short pause, then he continued, "I know. Bye, Jun,"

You started thinking to yourself. You finally realized just how much he's done for you. He's taken care of you countless times now, saved you from so many accidents, and has helped you learn a lot. Should you tell him? Is now a good time?

He walked back into the room and although your throat was sore, you decided now was the time. It may have been because you weren't thinking straight, probably all the cold and pain meds he had you on, but you just had to say it.

"Oh, you're finally awa-"

"Akiraaa" You cut him off unintentionally, your heartbeat quickening just a bit.

"Yes, what is it? Do you need some more blankets? Here I made tea," He wanted to help you out as much as possible, and only realized how oddly caring he sounded after those words came out of his mouth.

You thought that maybe you could wait a little longer before telling him, that tea did look really good. He handed it to you, and you drank it slowly. You turned to him, halfway through your beverage, prepared to tell him what you think of him.



"...I love you!" Your voice was hushed since it was only you two in the house, and your throat was still throbbing. All you could focus on now was what his answer might be.

"You're delusional, you know..."

"But I love you too."

A/N Weee!

650 Words

Aug 27, 21

[Finished.] 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now