'*•.¸♡𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙢𝙞 𝘼𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙩.𝟸♡¸.•*'

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A/N From where we left off! (Like a month ago I'm sorry Nevthekittykat-)

You groggily woke up the next morning in your own comfortable bed. You took a few minutes to actually leave your dream world, the memories of what happened in your dream disappearing, if you even had one. Then another few moments of trying to figure out if it was a bad thing to stay in bed longer. Eventually, you left the bed to go brush your hair, not paying any mind to how you got to the mattress, completely forgetting that you didn't fall asleep there. You got dressed and did your daily morning routine, still half asleep. It was the same as every morning. You threw on your favorite outfit, making sure you were comfortable for the day. It was finally time to leave your room. Phone in hand, headphones around your neck, you were prepared to face the world. Or rather, the small group of people you had to sneak by to get your breakfast. You eventually made it out of your dorm, making your way to the kitchen.

'Ah, smells so good! I wonder if Souma's the one making breakfast?' You thought to yourself, trying to pinpoint what was being made. A little game you challenged yourself to after meeting Akira Hayama.

"Gooood morning (Y/N)!" Souma exclaimed behind you, nearly giving you a sheer heart attack. (I hope ya'll got this reference-) Before you could properly answer him, the energetic boy ran off. You continued your journey to the kitchen, confused at who else would be making breakfast. The others didn't make it super often, and it honesty got quite repetitive, depending on who was cooking.

What you didn't expect, however, was the pair of kind blue eyes looking back at you. His face flushed a bit, and he immediately turned his head back to the food he was working on. Then some memories started flooding back like puzzle pieces. You knew that you played hide and seek yesterday. You knew that you didn't fall asleep in your own bed. You stood confused, trying to piece your memories together. 'How did I get back to my room? Who brought me back? Who was with me?' Your thoughts were cut short when you made a sudden realization. You looked up and started at the blondie before you, still with a look of confusion written on your face. He refused to look back at you, not letting you see the red tinting his cheeks. You could definitely see the red tinting his ears, though.

'...No. Not him, there's absolutely no way. He would have dropped me on the way there on purpose.'

"Something wrong, (Y/N)-Chan?" Your rival's younger brother came up to you. You wiped the glare off your face, replacing it with a small smile. You forgot you were unintentionally staring at Takumi.

"Mornin' Isami." You paused for a minute, trying to determine if you wanted to ask him this. Ah, why not, he'd never make fun of you.

"By the way, did you... were you the one who carried me to my bed yesterday? I don't think that's where I fell asleep, but that's definitely where I woke up this morning." He gave you a light chuckle and replied;

"Not me, but you may want to ask my brother about that." He then left, with nothing else to say. Leaving you and your sworn rival alone, of course. Takumi had heard him and decided to try to ignore you as best as he could. Which definitely wasn't easy when you two were the only ones in a room and you were asking him a bunch of questions.

Now you were just messing with him. You knew that he was the one to carry you back to your room. But come on, that flushed face is too cute, you can't resist messing with him sometimes, right? You were right in his bubble, even though you had the whole room to yourself. He was still trying to avoid eye contact, but it was futile. He wouldn't win, not on your watch! You kept asking him questions, trying to get something out of him. "Awe c'mon, I know you were the one carrying me! How'd you manage to get me down, anyway? I personally would have only saved my strength for someone I liked~"

He was cursing under his breath at this point, most likely in Italian since you couldn't understand what he was saying. You've definitely heard those words come out of his mouth before, though. 

"Enough!... enough. Yes, I... was the one to carry you back. No, it's not like I wanted to." That would have sounded scary and menacing with the right tone of voice, or maybe if he was better at acting. If done correctly, it may have even scared you enough to go back to your room. Like a lion roaring. But with the way his voice wavered and his face got redder, it was more like a kitten trying to meow. 

That's it, it's been long enough. This act had been going on for much too long. You started out with a small chuckle, almost snorting, which became a much louder and more outgoing laugh. Finally, a time where you didn't want to hide your real self from him. Your laughter died down,

"Man; you know, " you took a breath, still trying to recover from your laughing fit. "You're pretty cute. And that's not just when your face gets all red n' stuff, but just in general. You're not really scary, Takumi." You ended with a closed-eyed smile, being as genuine as you could be. That wasn't what he was paying attention to. You hadn't noticed, but he certainly did. It was difficult for him to get any words out, but he managed.

"That- That was the first time you've ever said my name," He didn't speak very loudly, you two were the only people in the room, after all.

"Oh really? Huh, I guess it is always Dork or Blondie. What, do you like it when I call you by your name?" You ended that with a teasing tone, glad that you're finally not yelling or glaring at each other. He tried to say something but you didn't catch it, lost in thought. You cut off whatever he was saying with an attack hug, taking him by surprise. You dug your chin gently into his shoulder, somewhat spinning him around a little. You knew you had the biggest, dorkiest smile on your face, but it couldn't be helped. He finally moved his hands from their immobile position in the air to around your frame. The realization may have finally hit him, and his smile matched yours. You stood there swaying him gently from side to side before noticing a not-so-pleasant scent coming from nearby.

"Damn it, my breakfast!" He hurriedly let go of you, leaving you a little disappointed. The food wasn't burnt or anything, just a little overcooked. You looked it over and realized that there was a recipe you knew that would work perfectly for what he did. You offered him a short explanation of what the addition to the dish was before shooing him away to 'improve' his mistake.

A few minutes later all was well, and you two were sitting at the table finally getting some fuel. It was still hard to believe you two were both so stubborn this whole time, but it all worked out in the end.

That doesn't mean that you two aren't still stubborn though.

A/N HoLY 440 reads?? Where have I been??? I did say that I probably wasn't going to be very active and I did have a lot of work to do, but I feel like I betrayed you guys

It's totally not 1 am-

Anyways! I don't know if you guys actually read my stories or if you just skim through them, especially with how my Ryou pt.1 got almost 50 reads, but the pt. 2 only got about 30. Do you guys prefer the shorter stories? I'd just like to know what ya'll like so I can make my stories better! Please tell me if there's anything I can do to improve and until next time, have a good one!

Oct. 6, 21

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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[Finished.] 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now