'*•.¸♡𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙢𝙞 𝘼𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙩.1♡¸.•*'

418 12 13


From now on, I won't be writing 'Gender Neutral' in the title, but it will be gender-neutral reader unless specified^^

Sorry for the wait aHHHH

Dedicated to Nevthekittykat, such a kind soul! <3


It was a warm summer day at the dorms. Not hot enough to be sweating buckets, but enough for it to be a nice day outside. A few students had joined a small celebration, something about winning a shokugeki or something of the sort - you weren't really paying attention very well to the conversation between Souma and Nikumi. You were currently glaring at a pretty set of blue eyes. Your rival, Takumi Aldini, was staring right back with a scowl on his face. You two had been rivals since the day you met.

That first interaction hadn't been the best, he was much too overconfident, and to you, he seemed like the typical snobby-rich-kid. You couldn't stand that personality or that arrogant look on his face, so you immediately challenged him. It was unofficial and ended up in a tie. You realized later after seeing his interactions with others that he really wasn't what you made him out to be, not at all. You noticed him blushing, getting shy at times, and being kind when needed. It was kind of cute, to be honest. You'd never admit it, but it made you jealous. The way he talked to other girls (barely,) frustrated you. It didn't make sense.

But there was no going back now, you couldn't just say that you no longer 'hated' him. There was no way. You're way too stubborn for that. Maybe you'd let it slip in the right situation, but like that'll ever happen. These feelings were too complicated anyway, why even bother? You'd figure it out eventually. Oh well, you'd figure these feelings out after the staring contest.


You both immediately looked aside to the younger Aldini brother, a curious looked etched across your face.

"The group is playing hide-and-seek, come join! You too, Y/N-chan!*" Isami seemed really excited about this, but playing with Takumi? What a drag. You couldn't just say no to the cute boy, though. You were about to say something when Takumi cut you off.

"There's no way I'm playing with this-"

"Nii-chan! You're playing, it wasn't a question! And stop being rude to Y/N, you and I both know there's no need for that." Isami had a small pout on his face, trying his best to defend you. You shot him a small smile and told him that you'd be playing. The smile on his face widened, and he led you to the group, Takumi begrudgingly following.

The rules were finally set, everyone agreeing on how to play. The rounds would last until everyone was found, or there was an announcement saying that the finder had given up. The group decided on having Souma as the seeker.

"Alright, you guys have 5 minutes to hide! I'll stay here, good luck!" Souma shouted a little louder than necessary, probably very excited to have everyone playing.

His excitement rubbed off on you, so you ran to your spot immediately, thinking it was the best spot in the area. It took a good four minutes, and another few seconds to get all settled in the best hiding spot you could think of. You moved the ceiling tiles, sure it was cramped, but it was all you needed. You'd seen Isshiki up there a few times, so you figured that may work.

What wasn't planned, however, was the blond boy climbing up next to you. You gave him a blank stare for a few seconds, wondering how the hell he knew about this spot. You were about to start yelling and questioning him, but then you both heard Souma shout at the top of his lungs.

"READY OR NOT, HERE I COOOOME!" The redhead shouted in a sing-song voice.

Well, crap. You hurried over to your rival, helping him up. You quietly shouted at him, to not make too much noise, about why he came to this spot. He appeared to be quite frustrated at how he was stuck with you of all people but still explained that he had seen Isshki-senpai come up there a few times as well. There was an awkward silence for a while, the both of you trying to keep your hiding spot secret.

[Finished.] 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now