Y/N is a 23 year old super genius, she graduated University at 18 and has been obsessed on recreating wanda's mind reading powers. She was coming home from work one day to find her place completely trashed, all her research stolen by hydra, o...
It is 12am which means that I am late for my job interview. I have about 20 minutes to get there and it is a 30 minute walk. My head is pounding and I overslept, I may or may not have a hangover, lets just say yesterday was a lot of fun ;). I had received an email a few days back, asking me if I would want to apply for this job. It was kind of sketchy. The firm's name wasn't in the email so I had to hack into their IP address to find out what kind of organization I'm dealing with. Turns out, it's some kind of software engineering business. This guy named Coulson, who had sent me the mail was no better. There was nothing on this guy, no socials, no records, not even a birth certificate. The only reason I'm going is because the promised paycheck is incredible. I did do some more research before I actually went though, making sure that it wasn't some kind of creepy abandoned building. I went there yesterday to make sure. When I got there, there was nothing particularly suspicious. Other than the fact that I thought that it was weird that they didn't have a proper website. It seemed like a pretty cool place and very expensive, there were a few gigantic buildings. One of them had Sci-Tech written across of the entrance. All the man and women that seemed to be working there were all dressed very neat, most of them wearing suits some other were wearing some kind of doctor's coat. Besides I really need the money my apartment may not amount to much but the party life and the research I do in my free time, make my monthly bill quite expensive.
I arrived 15 minutes late to the interview, but they still let me in. I felt really uncomfortable being as underdressed as I was. Coulson, the guy I could find nothing about was the one to interview me, he was really nice, they offered me a great position not that many hours and free access to the company's cafeteria. He gave me a tour around the building and a suite to wear at work. I could start the next day.
The next day I went to work early since the cafeteria was free I thought it would save me some money to have breakfast there. During breakfast I met some other employees. I also made friends with a very smart and silly boy and girl, Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz. They told me about this science and Technology wing and this amazing lab which had everything you could imagine. I'm really curious to go there but apparently I was not allowed there, something about clarence level they said. It made sends that Coulson hadn't shown it to me during the tour. But my research has hit a dead end and I could really use some fancy lab to get me through it. So after work I decided I would try and sneak in. I was never really one to follow the rules.
The moment I held my ID badge in front of the scanner an alarm went off and everything started flashing red, the computer said something like, clearance level to low "classified". I think is odd, I understand that there would be some kind of security for a fancy lab like this, you don't want stuff to get stolen. I mean I know that Fits and Simmons had warned me about it earlier today, but still. The computer could have just ignored my id badge, instead of triggering an alarm. I got out of there as quickly as I could. I guess no one noticed since I didn't get in trouble for it. Later I hacked into the mainframe to raise the clarence level of my id badge. It was quite easy, although I did notice that the security level of this place was topnotch. 'kind of odd since it is just some lame software engineering/ technology business' or at least that's what they told me when they hired me. Not that lame part but it was kind of obvious because this place didn't even have a proper website and I had never even heard of it before. There was something else I noticed when I hacked into the mainframe, there were a lot more stories than the elevator suggested. It is clear some things don't add up, but I'm not really bothered by it. I'm not really planning on staying here that long. I'm just staying long enough to earn some good money and work on my project before going off to god knows where. I was just in time with fixing my badge before all the laptops in the building shut down. I think the whole building system crashed, because all the laptops rebooted after showing this logo, no idea what it was. It was only visible for like a second. I guess it doesn't really matter since I got what I wanted, which is 'access'.
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This was the logo you briefly saw when the laptops rebooted.
I had tried my luck enough for one day so I decided it was better to go home instead of trying to get into the lab again. I got home around 10pm. I still haven't eaten anything so I ordered some Chinese food from the restaurant at the corner of my street. My apartment isn't big and the empty Tupperware everywhere doesn't make it look any bigger. My place was just big enough for a bed a desk and a furnace with a sink, what functioned as a kitchen. There are paper-balls with old calculations scattered around the floor, old laundry piled up in little heaps. I do have a wardrobe but It's mostly functioning as a paper basket or white board, whatever it was that I needed. I know It's bad but honestly I wouldn't know where to start cleaning at this point. I spent a few more hours learning about neuroelectronic interfacing and neuro pathways. I knew I was so close to figuring out how the hole mind reading thing worked. I have been studying the brain for a few year now and I'm pretty sure that I can create a serum that would give someone the ability to read minds, after all it's just science. Right?
A few weeks went by, my daily routine staying the same, go to work, sneak into the lab to work on the MRS as I liked to call it. (Mind Reading Serum). Going out on occasion, and experimenting some more in my apartment. Finding that breakthrough that I need so badly proved hard to be found.
thank you for reading, I would really like to hear what you think of this first chapter. Is it to long? maybe too short? If you have suggestions on where you would like to end up just let me know. I know there is not yet a lot of action but I promise if you bare with me it will come!