Feels Like We Only Go Backwards

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"What ?"

"He's not here" meint Miles entgeistert.
"fuck Luna this was a bad idea."

"Miles I know . This was the worst thing I've ever done. I'm so stupid!" Sag ich wütend, Miles widerspricht nicht.

"You better go home, it's late "

" it's like 6 pm "

" damn Luna I have no idea what we should do. So go home and sleep and tomorrow everything will be fine "

" watch out we got an optimist over here" sag ich und umarme ihn und will gehen .

"Do you wanna walk ? Fine." ruft Miles mir entgegen, ich hatte vergessen dass ich ohne Auto da war. Naja ich hab kein Auto.

"I'll take the bus, thank you Miles... For everything " wir verabschieden uns und ich laufe in Richtung Bushaltestelle.

****ALEX'S POV****
We're in a restaurant. Arielle is hungry. For the first time ever I heard her saying the word "hungry".


"ARIELLE" I replied.

"What do you want to eat?!"she asks

"Arielle...Arielle I'm sorry I have to go "

I can't handle her anymore. I have to get out of this restaurant. We're here with Arielle's car so I have to take the bus. It's getting cold and I'm just wearing my Triumph shirt. I'm waiting for the next bus to get back to Miles flat. Miles is such a good friend. I truly love him for everything he has done for me. I just need him now.

I wanna be yoursWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt