Chapter 3: The Forbidden Friend

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Simba's POV
  I watch Kiara and Alari run off onto the path hoping they will be ok. Kiara is bound to run off and Alari is an easy target. "Simba, who do they remind you of?" I heard Nala ask and it snapped me out of my thoughts."what? Who?" I ask looking at her weird. "They act just like you were when you were young." She told me. "Exactly, it's more of Kiara I'm worried about." "What do you mean?" Nala asked. "Alari is an easy target because of her coat, she can't blend in to the grass if she's in danger, she's putting Kiara in danger. Plus when we were young do you realize the danger we put ourselves in?" She pushed me to the ground and pinned me. "You mean the dangers YOU put us in. Alari was born with that coat, she can't help it." She nuzzled me, I smiled and decided not to say anything. She chuckled, "they'll be fine." She said getting off of me and headed back to the cave. I immediately had an idea. "Hey Timon, pumbaa, come here." I whispered. "Good morning mon capitan!" Timon yelled. " I want you 2 to keep an eye on Kiara, you know she's bound to run off." "Don't worry Simba, we'll be on her like stink on a warthog." "Hey!" Pumbaa yelled. "It's a hard truth buddy live with it." I sighed annoyed. "Guys I'm counting on you. Danger could behind every rock." "What about Alari?" Asked pumbaa. I paused for a moment. "She can take care of herself, she's not going to be queen, she's not my blood."

Alaris POV
   As Kiara is chasing a butterfly along the path I am looking all around and there is so much to see, the birds, the trees, any little object amazes me. With Kiara growling and yelling at the butterfly I can't get the piece of nature though. "Come back! I just wanna play!" I heard Kiara yell. "Just leave the butterfly alone, he's trying to enjoy his day without being bothered." I tell her. "Shut up Alari! Like you know what he's saying!" Kiara snapped. 'i swear if I roll my eyes one more time I'll go blind.' I thought to myself. The butterfly landed on a rock and Kiara went into position to pounce. "Ahh, mighty Hunter has cornered her prey." She whispered. I watched in amusment as she jumped on the rock completely missing the butterfly. I laughed. Kiara's face turned serious when she looked past the rock. "Hey Alari, come here! You have to come see this!" 'what does she want.' I sighed as I went over to her. When I climbed onto the rock I saw a territory with dead grass and dead trees. "That must be the Outlands." I told Kiara. "I wonder what's out there." "Like Simba said, we have to stay on the path." I warned Kiara. She scoffs. "Your no fun, I'm just curious." All of a sudden she shoves me off a rock and I land in the water. As I'm getting up I felt a huge weight on my back not letting me up. 'i swear she's trying to kill me!' I thought scared out of my mind. I felt the weight off my back and I immediately shot up out of the water coughing. I looked up and saw uncle pumbaa. "Sorry.." he said awkwardly. I look over and I see Kiara laughing. I growl at her and walked off. I kept my head down because of the humiliation so I wasn't paying attention. All of a sudden I tripped over the log I was walking on and I fell hitting something. I heard groaning and I looked up to see a dark brown lion cub. He jumped on all 4s and started growling at me. "Who are you pridelander?" I started growling too and kept my eyes on his as I tried to move left and right without turning my back. "What are you doing?" The cub asks confused. "My dad said to never turn my back on an outsider!" I growled. "You always do what Daddy day?" He mocked. I got so angry. "Never!" "Bet you do! Because your daddy's little girl!" He laughed. He turned around and jumped on some logs. "An outsider doesn't need anybody, I can take care of myself!" The cub boasted. I followed him into the logs. " I can too, I came here by myself." I boasted. He turned back smiling but his smile quickly faded and started to scream. Confused I looked behind me and saw a huge mouth open full of teeth. "Run!" I yelled. We both ran across the logs and got away from the croc. We started painting and started laughing. "That was a close one." He said. "Yea." I giggled. Then I felt shaking on the bottom of my paws and felt like we were rising. It was a big pile of crocodiles! We started screaming and started to run. I jumped onto a branch and saw the cub jump pass me. "Hey come back this way!" "You go I'll distract them!" He yelled. He tried to run but fell into the water with the crocs tail slamming down over him. "NO!" I yelled swiping at the crocs and jumped on ones back. I saw him emerge from the water coughing. The croc opened it's mouth moving toward him. I jumped on it's jaws before it got to him. "MOVE!" I yelled. We ran back on the branch. He jumped on land, before I could jump the croc snapped the branch with it's jaws, I dug my class on the edge hanging on as long as I could. I felt teeth on my neck pulling me up. The both of us started painting as we went over to the edge and saw the crocs trying to climb the wall but are failing. "We did it. WE DID IT!" I yelled and stuck out my tongue at them. We walked away laughing. "Wow those guys were bigger than I thought! I thought we would be dead out there! We make a good team, and your very brave." I told him. He paused for a moment. " Yea your pretty brave too, my name's Kovu." "I'm Alari."

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