Chapter 8: Hunting lesson

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As Dawn approaches, Alari wakes up with the sun shining in her face. She yawns and opens her eyes, waking up from the best sleep she's ever had in her life. Alari jumps down from the tree and stretches. After she is fully awake, she makes her way to the watering hole to quench her thirst. As she gets there, she sees Simba arriving to the water as well. As she waits for her turn politely, she catches the scent of Kovu. In the distance she spots him slowly drop his head. Alari turns her head in confusion. "What are you staring at?" She jumps at the voice of Simba. "I thought I saw a zebra, I was debating on catching it for you." She lied. Simba looks at the silver lioness in shock. "Well it's not going to walk up as an offering." He said sarcastically. "Yes sir." Alari sighs. As she walks in the direction to hunt for the pride, she sees Kiara bounding over to Kovu, him looking annoyed, he looks back and spots Alari and make eye contact. She delivers a quick smile and runs into the tall grass. Before he can say anything, Kiara chimes in, "Hey! Come on!" He rolls his eyes and walks behind Kiara.

Alaris POV
As Alari spots the zebras a good distance away, staying downwind and claws digging into the ground, she inches closer to her target. 'At least Simba and the pride will feast good.' I thought to myself. I make sure rocks and sticks are not in my way and I move closer to the prey. "HEY ALARI!!" I heard someone yell. I try to ignore the voice but the zebras got spooked. "Shit." I muttered. The herd start running towards me but I stand my ground. I roard and pounced on one digging my teeth into my trophy. When we hit the ground I was slammed into my side as a zebra ran into me trying to get away from the supposed danger from the voice. I quickly got back up and roared so that the herd would split up and avoid me, which they did. I look up to see Timon waving awkwardly. "Really Timon?" I yelled. "I didn't mean for that to happen!" He yelled back. "Come on I need your help!" I roll my eyes and shook my head. "I will be there soon, I have to take this back to Pride Rock." He have me a thumbs up and ran off. I picked up the dead zebra and drug it to the pride. I hear a couple of the lionesses walk towards me to help. Mom walks up and smiles as well as Simba. The lionesses and I lay the zebra down in front of the king. "Thank you Alari." Simba says. I'm taken aback, he has never thanked me before. Mom looks at me and smiles. "Your welcome your majesty." I walk off to go help Timon. "Alari, are you going to eat?" Mom asks concerned. "No, I'm ok, I have to go help Timon with something. I will catch something later." I tell her. Ok, well be careful, and stay downwind." I glance at her. "Mom I'm not a cub anymore." I smirked. She giggles and returns to her kings side. I walked towards the area Timon said he would be and there are birds everywhere. "ALARI!!" Yells Timon. I look around and I can't see him anywhere. Suddenly I felt something fall onto my head. "There you are! What happened?" I ask. I was trying to get a reservation and the birds decided to kick me out." He said annoyed. I lower my head so that he could step off. "Birds steal your breakfast again?" "YES!! I just want a decent breakfast! They should let me eat with how much I do all day!" I shook my head and spot Pumbaa charging back and forth not even making a dent in the grounded flock of birds. I jumped up and hit one of the birds that had a worm in it's mouth. Both worm and bird hit the ground in front of us. The bird chirps angrily and flies off. "Thank heavens! You are amazing Alari!" I smirk. All of a sudden I hear a roar and a figure jumps at us. The figure pins my side to the ground as Timon hides on my back. Timon screams as I roar to try and get up. When the figure stands in front of the sunlight, the figure turns out to be Kovu. "DONT EAT ME PLEASE!" Yells Timon. "Timon, Alari, what are you two doing here?"  Yells the future queen. "Timon said he needed my help, and Kovu unless your going to kill me, do it quick or get off." "Oh, uh sorry." Kovu says blushing. He gets off and I lick my shoulder. "Thank you." I tell him. " You need to work on your listening skills, if you wouldve listened then this wouldn't have happened." He said smartly. "I at least got my first hunt of the day and get run over by a zebra at the same time that I killed one." I step closer to him just inches away from his face. He was going to say something but paused. "Anything else to add?" I ask in a soft tone. Kovu groaned. "I guess not, you win for now princess." I blushed. "You know she's not a princess right? She's just a Butler for the pride." Kiara steps in front on Kovu. "The lowest of the low." She whispered growling. I look at her not even intimidated but amused. She huffs. "Come on Kovu, let's continue our lesson." Kiara says and starts to walk away. "Lessons over Kiara, at least she catches prey for her pride and they dont even have to ask. You on the other hand are the lowest of the low, you'll starve without her!" Kovu growls. "No matter if she gets hurt, she looks after the pride before herself. That's what a real princess would do." Kiara and I are both in awe. She growls and walks off. I look at Kovu, "no one outside of my family has ever stood up for me before." Kovu looks at me. " I meant it." He said smirking. I smile as we look each other in the eyes. "Are we going to have a staring contest or are you two going to help? I'm starving." Asks Timon impatiently.

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