Chapter 4: Scars Heir

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Simba's POV
It has been a few hours since the cubs left. I have been pacing back and forth trying to wait patiently but something in my gut is saying something is wrong. " Simba everything is ok, you know that they will be back very shortly." Nala says soothing him. On cue he sees Kiara running up with Timon and pumbaa. A wave of relief covers me as I smile in her direction. " How was your time wondering the Pride Lands?" I ask Kiara. "It was amazing! I got to work on my hunting skills and almost caught a butterfly!" "I know you will make a great hunter one day, I'm very proud of you." I nuzzled Kiara's head. "Simba!" Nala sounded frantic as Simba looked at her. "What's the matter? She's safe and sound, I made sure of it." I say looking at timon and pumbaa. She snapped her attention to me with a worried look. "Where is Alari??" I looked at Kiara and she just shrugs. I quietly growled and looked towards the Outlands. "I think I know where she went."
Alaris POV
"It's very nice to meet you Kovu, for an outlander you don't seem so bad." I said jokingly. He smirked. "For a pridelander your not so bad either. But you don't look like you'd belong with them, I mean, I've never seen a coat like yours." I was taken aback about what he said. Is that a bad thing? I don't know. I was born this way, I was adopted." I say sadly. "Well I'm sorry I brought it up, it looks nice." I blushed at the compliment. I nudged his shoulder and acted like I was walking away, he had a sad and confused look on his face until I pounced on him giggling pinning him down. Kovu kicked me off as we started to play tackle. We stood up giggling and smiling as we crouch to take our stance, before either of us could pounce there was a loud roar right behind me. I looked to see dad, mom and a few lionesses from the Pride. then out of no where a lionesses came out behind Kovu and started roaring. Dad and the stranger locked eyes growling at each other. I ran over to dad and hid behind his leg, Kovu did the same with the lioness. "Zira." "Simba." Timon and pumbaa decided to show up as well. "Nala." Said the outlander."Zira." Mom sneered. "Timon, pumbaa, great now that we all know each other, GET OUT OF OUR PRIDELANDS!!" yelled Timon. "YOUR PRIDELANDS?" Zira roared at timon. "These lands belong to scar!" She growled. "I banished you from these lands, now you and your cub, GET OUT!" I look at Kovu with tears in my eyes. He gave me a sorrowful look and lowered his head. "Oh, have you met my son, Kovu? He was chosen by Scar to become king!" Zira smiled at Simba as he growls. Kovu starts shaking out of fear as he looks at dad. "Pht that's not a king! That's a fuzzy maraca!" Timon laughed. I gave him a 'shut up' look and he shut his mouth. "Kovu was the last born before you sent us to the Outlands," Zira started to walk in a semicircle with a sarcastic sad face, "where there's little food, less water." " You know the penalty for returning!" Dad hissed. " But the cub does NOT! however, if you need your pound of flesh, here." She pushes Kovu towards dad and he starts whimpering. Dad looks back at Zira with her smirking. I crouch even lower praying to the kings dad doesn't lay a claw on him. I close my eyes. "Take him and get out, we are don't here." I sighed in relief as dad turns and picks me up by the scruff of my neck. "Oh no Simba, this has barely begun." She cackles while looking at me. I growled at her as she turns away. " At least I will know who I can keep my eye on, she is not hard to miss." She laughs. Nala roars at her as she picks up Kovu in the most painful way I can imagine. As we are going out separate ways I made eye contact with Kovu. "Bye.." I whispered. "Bye."

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