Chapter 7: Friend or Foe

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Alaris POV
"Kovu?" I smiled. He smirked at me. "My how've you grown. What are you doing here?" Before he can answer a loud roar erupted and I see Simba and mom run toward us. Simba growls at Kovu while mom runs towards me. "Oh Alari your alright, are you hurt?" She asks concerned. "No Mom I'm ok." "Why are you here with him? Your supposed to be hunting." Simba growled. "Kiara tool my kill back to Pride Rock, I smelled smoke as she walked off, the fire spread and Kovu saved my life." "KOVU?!" He snapped his attention back on the green eyed lion and they started roaring at each other. "Simba!" Nala yelled. "Hey! You! How dare you save the kings daughter?" We all turned to see Rafiki listening in on a branch. "Why did you save her?" Simba growled. " I humbly ask to join your pride." "NO, you were banished with the other outsiders!" Simba said in kovus face. "I have left the outsiders, I'm a rouge, judge me now for who I am, or am I to be blamed for a crime I did not commit." I looked at Simba with tears in my eyes. Simba starts growling and pacing back and forth. "Simba you owe him Alaris life!" Said Nala. Zazu flies in and lands in front of the king. "Yes sire, truly we are in his debt, and protocol is for all debts to be paid, but we might want to make an exception in this case." Simba looks back at Kovu. "My father's law stands, for now I reserve judgement, we'll see who you really are." Simba says walking off. Kovu smiles at me and I smile back. Kovu walks behind Simba and I walk behind mother. We arrive at pride Rock and it's already night. Everyone is already by the cave, I heard growling and when I got up, Simba walked in the cave growling at Kovu. Kovu walks to a lone rock and lays down beside it. I walk over with caring eyes. "Hey." I said softly. "Thank you for saving my life today, I'm sorry about Simba." "Hi I'm Kiara!" I rolled my eyes as Kiara walks over. "So I guess that proves it Alari, you can't survive on your own." "I at least got my first kill Kiara, you were safe and sound." "If anyone isn't going to be able to survive it's you Kiara, if you don't know how to hunt you'll be killed within 3 days." Kovu said. " Oh so you can teach me?" Sneered Kiara. Kovu chuckles. "Yea." He said with sarcazm in his voice. "Alright, impress me, we start in the morning." Demanded Kiara. "Why can't Simba teach you?" I ask. "Because unlike you, he has royal duties that you don't understand." As she started to walk away I swore under my breath. "That's not very princess like to swear like that." Kovu said jokingly. "I'm no princess, trust me." "If your Simba's adopted daughter then you are." "To Nala I am, but Simba doesn't want me to be, Kiara is a little younger than I am and she's the next queen." Kovu looks at me with a confused look. I hang my head. " Well get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow." I tell Kovu. "Ugh I'm looking forward to it." He said sarcastically. I smiled and started walking to my tree. "Goodnight." Said Kovu smiling. "Goodnight." I lay my head down on the branch and drifted off into slumber with a smile on my face.

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