Chapter 6: First Hunt

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Many moons and suns has passed and the time for both Alari and Kiara for their first hunt for the pride. Alaris has been spending all her days learning to hunt by herself. Simba has always kept his focus on kiara, he has been so protective of her that he forgot to do one thing. To teach her how to hunt.
Alaris POV
Well today is the day. The day I will prove myself to Simba. To prove to everyone that I am one of them. He told Kiara one day that we are one, but he doesn't treat me like it. Well I'm going to prove them wrong. "Are you ready Alari?" I turned away from my thoughts and looked at my mother. "Yes I'm ready." Mom walked over to me and nuzzled my head. "I know you will make us proud. You have grown to be a strong beautiful lioness." I smiled at her and took a deep breath. Mom exited the cave first. "You know I will get the first kill right? Dad hasn't even taught you anything about hunting." Sneered Kiara. Then she exited the cave following mom. I swore under my breath and stepped out with the fur shining into the sun. Everyone was staring at me. I walked up to Simba and mom. Mom looked very proud while Simba's smile faded when Kiara ran off into the pridelands. Rafiki smiled and gestured toward the land. I smiled and started to run. Timon and pumbaa started crying their heads off. I started to run toward the scent of the prey. After a few minutes of walking I see a herd of antelope. I get down as low as I can, inching my way towards dinner. I suddenly heard a rock tumble, I looked down and saw no rocks around me, I see the herd running as Kiara is chasing after. I growled and sprang into action. I'm faster than Kiara so I started to catch up very easily. I growled as my heart beats faster every second. As I'm on ones tail I jumped at the right time and dug my claws into the antelope as we tumbled into the ground. I sunk my teeth into the prey and my first hunt was a success. Kiara caught up and saw the animal laying lifeless. "That's not fair! I got distracted by Timon! You stole my kill!" Growled Kiara. "As a hunter you cannot get distracted." "Dad didn't even teach you anything, you should've stayed behind." I put that comment behind me and I started to smell something odd. "Kiara, stay close, something is off." "Yea, you." She said taking the prey and headed back to Pride Rock. I decided to investigate the smell and I see a large herd of all kind of animals headed towards me. Smoke. I gasped and started running back. I was too far from pride Rock so I had to get somewhere close. Smiloke and fire quickly spred, still running I see a ledge. Chest hurting and hard to breathe I sprinted  and jumped onto a ledge. The world began to spin and everything went black.
I woke up with pain all over my body and a chilling sensation. "Where am I?" I coughed. "Your safe in the pridelands." I heard a voice say. I look up to see a reddish brown lion with a dark brown mane and green eyes. "Who are you?" I say growling in attack position. "I think I'm the one that saved your life!" He said. "Trust me if I wanted to be rescued I would've let you know." I said smartly. I started to walk off but he jumped in front of me, annoyed I jumped over him and blocked his path. "What are you doing?" He asked. That's when it dawned on me. I've seen that look before. My eyes widen and I smile. "Kovu?"

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