Chapter 16

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Max's POV

The next morning, after the incident with the bleached haired fuck, we gathered in the mess hall for breakfast.

"So, you're telling us that Daniel came back?" Harrison asked.

"I mean, what did you all expect anyways? He's literally a psycho, he's probably got trackers on us", Neil replied.

"Stop being paranoid, sure he's kind of smart, but he's not THAT smart."

"GOOOOOOD MORNING CAMPERS!" David walked through the door, wincing as his arm flew up a little too high. His arm was basically mummy-fied with the amount of bandage covering his wound.

"I hope he dies a long and dramatic death in prison, oh this is so EXCITING!" Preston squealed.

Gwen sat down at the table with her plate of food. "Well, we'll have to see about that. If that idiot manages to lie his way through court today, David and I are getting thrown in jail."

"Wait, we're going to COURT?", Preston asked dramatically. "I've always wanted to passionately argue against an opponent, oh how FUN!"

"No, the officers said only witnesses of the scene can speak. Not you losers." I said.

"But, are we at least able to observe? What a great play opportunity this could be, Shakespeare could NEVER." Preston boldly stated with a loud foot stomp.

"You sure are!", David interjected. "Well, I spy an opportunity for a CAMP! Criminology camp! It'd be so fun for ALL you campers to tag along!", David exclaimed, swinging his arm and wincing in pain, yet again.

Neil and I both groaned. This is going to be another hell of a day.

~ few hours later ~

"Alllllll aboard kiddos!"

"WOOO FIELD TRIP!", Nikki exclaimed.

We piled into the bus, pushing and shoving as always to get the best seats. There was a seat somewhere in the back that had a spring sticking out that everyone tried to avoid.

"We don't wanna be late, kiddos!", David explained. "So buckle up!"

"WOOHOOOO, YEAHH!" Nikki yelled again.

"I don't get it. How are you guys excited?" Harrison said. "What happens if David and Gwen go to jail? Wouldn't that b-"

"That'd be awesome, and that's my two cents", I interrupted, crossing my arms and legs. "I'd love to see how CAMP MAN holds up in prison with all those macho guys. We could even pay him visits to see how he's doing!"

David let out a little whimper and Gwen leaned over to comfort him.

"Max, remember that you were at the scene of the crime too, for all we know you could be thrown in jail too." Gwen retorted back at me.

"Nah, I'm too awesome for that. Even if I did, I would beat the living shit out of the inmates." I stated. Gwen rolled her eyes back at me.

"Time to go to the court, last time I went there it was for incest, not sure why." Quartermaster said out of nowhere.

"What the fu-"

"Here we go!" Quartermaster stepped on the gas hard, causing gravity to whip us forward, making everyone's face get smooshed to the back of the seats in front of us.



"Ain't no time for that. Court waits for nobody." he replied.

"You could at least slow down!", Harrison yelled. "Next thing you know, we'll be attending YOUR court trial for speeding!"

"I'M TOO YOUNG AND PRETTY TO DIE!" Preston cried out.

A fast and nauseating half hour later, we arrived at the courthouse. Everyone stepped out of the bus with wobbly legs, taking a minute to regain their balance.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE, that was the worst ride of my life!" I exclaimed.

"I'm dizzy, hehehe, Neil, why do you have two faces?" Nikki asked drunkenly.

"C'mon kids, let's hurry, it's about to start soon."

We all headed inside the building and were guided to our seats by some guy in a fancy suit.

I was so fucking bored for 99% of it. I had to be one of the stupid witnesses for David's side, and I was so tempted to throw him under the bus but I couldn't. We NEEDED to get Daniel in jail. The idiot is gonna kill us all at some point if we don't.

The trial overall went pretty smoothly. Everything was fine up until Daniel's lawyer decided to let him make a statement.

"Hello, you are all looking lovely today, oh dear judge, your beard is looking MAGNIFICENT today!" He started, attempting to butter everyone up. Fucking disgusting manipulative bastard.

"I would like to say that you should NOT believe anything my opponents are saying. THEY are the ones planning to assassinate myself and my lovely assistant Jen, who shouldn't be treated this poorly! If anything, you are being sexist for having her in handcuffs."

"What the fuck?" I whispered.

"As evidence, officers, do you recall David and Max being tied up, and the other rats stuck in a net?"

"Yes, I believe so." the officer replied.

"Well, the reason behind that is because those five rascals were trying to KILL US! We had to use our martial arts and self defense skills to trap them so we could safely get away!!! IT'S THE TRUTH! AND ANYTHING THOSE BOZOS SAY, YOU CAN TAKE IT AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR A-"


The loud sound of the judge's gavel rang through the room.

"SILENCE! THAT IS ENOUGH, Daniel you may be seated now."

"What the hell? 99% of what that shithead said was false!" Gwen whispered to us.

"Now don't get me wrong, I fucking hate that guy and his statement was shit, but his acting skills are on point! We have to really persuade them to win." I whispered back.

It was then our turn to defend ourselves against Daniel's shitty lie. David stood up and began talking.

"I would like to first off say that Daniel's story is completely false. It all started when Gwen and I were just having a nice night out when THEY kidnapped myself and Max! They threw us in a van and drove us to an abandoned warehouse to kill us!" David exclaimed, I haven't seen him this mad in a long fucking time.

"While Daniel has very poor evidence, I happen to have an audio recording of them when they kidnapped us!" David whipped his phone out and pressed play.

"Yes Jen, it will be perfect! I know Gwen will come and try to save the day, which is where the net trap comes in and gets her limbs in a twist, literally! Oh, how wonderful it will be to have her watch her little friends die. Such a sweet and painfully long death it will be, cutting off a piece... by... piece. And we can kill Gwen after!" Daniel's voice rang through the incredibly quiet and echoey courtroom.

"You see, court? We are completely innocent! Daniel is the one who attempted to murder us!" David stated confidently.

"I see." the judge said, while intimidatingly stroking his beard. I thought people only did that in shitty movies.

"Well everyone, we will take a short break for the jury and the judge to make a decision. Please remain seated, and enjoy a beverage that a waiter will bring around." The officer said. He had a weird look in his eyes, but it was probably just from stress.

A waiter came around and poured the judge and jury some red juice, thinking juice as the waiter called it, then came and gave the rest of us water.

"Good idea bringing the audio clip David, that for sure should have won us this case." Gwen told him, while patting his back.

"Thanks, Neil transferred it to my phone earlier. Let's hope it worked."

"Attention!" The judge's voice rang through the room. "The jury and I have come to a conclusion, the side that won is..."

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