Disaster in Class

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I finished the class hurriedly so I could make it to the next swiftly. I wanted to get there with enough time to get a bit set up. But just my luck, I turned a wrong corner and ended up lost. The more I backtracked, the more lost I became. I settled on the ground and took down my mental barrier. I reached out as far as I could and to anyone nearby. If anyone were to hear me, they would follow it here.

I waited as I shouted in my mind for someone to find me. Just then I hear a nearly silent swoosh sound and heavy footsteps. Its a long stride so likely Severus. I put my barrier back up and sighed in relief to see him. "Oh thank god. I was worried no one would hear me." He stop in front of me. "How did you even get here? Its blocked off from all students." I shake my head. "Just take me to class. I turned a wrong corner and, despite my effort to return to the main hallway, I ended up here. Figured it best to wait for help."

He scoffs. "You likely would have died here too if I wasn't giving a student detention within your mental reach." I nod. "I apologize but knowing your one of the only people here with that ability, I took my chances. I'll take a dention if that's what it takes to apologize for this." He grabs my arm and drags me down a few passages, some steps and through a corridor. I hurriedly take a seat beside his desk as he stands in the hall.

I wait with anticipation to see his grand entrance. The door smacks into the wall as his cloak flutters behind him. "I've heard a strange rumor going around that Mr. Malfoy was turned into a ferret in the courtyard." Gets up into Harry's personal space. "You wouldnt happen to know anything about it, would you Potter?" Harry visible gulps and I narrow my eyes at him, probing his mind. "No sir I don't." And I see the lie. I stand up and walk to his desk. "Are you going to lie to his face? And get yourself into more trouble? It would of been one night of detention. I feel like a weeks detention is in order for lying to a professor in such a way." Snape turns to me but doesn't show emotion. "You heard her. A weeks detention with Filch." Harry opens and closes his mouth. "I suggest you close your mouth Mr. Potter and stop looking like a clown fish on land."

I turn and head back to my place beside Severus' desk. The class ends quickly and I pack to head off but before I do. "Professor?" He looks up from his work. "Yes Ms?" I hesitate. "Well get on with it. I haven't got all day." I smile. "Could you tell me about resurrection potions?" He stills as if shocked. "No." I roll my eyes. "My apologies, Professor. I didn't mean to bother you. I'm off now." He just grunts and I leave for my next class.

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