Yule Ball

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Its been about two weeks of secret glances, hand holding and stolen kisses in deserted halls. We'd even perfected the Ressurecting potion. I had a vial of it on me at all times. I'm so glad that tonight is the Yule Ball. I'll get to see him again. True, we're technically chaperones but who really follows those guidelines? The day is nearly over and we're eating in my room before we have to prepare the great hall. "And then I told him 'yes money does grow on trees' and he still said it doesn't! But our money is paper and paper comes from trees, I said. He didn't respond after that!" I smile and he just watches me while we eat. I start getting nervous. "Is there something on me?" He snaps out of it. "No. Why?" I blush. "Because you've been staring for a while." He begins eating again. "You just look so beautiful when you happy." I smile. "I try to be but sometimes.... Anyway, I believe they said food and refreshments at the party but would you like some monkey bread?" He stares and it hits me.

"Oh! You don't have that here. Well, its a sugar cinnamon dough with chocolate bits in it. You can pull off a portion and not destroy the whole cake." I grab the pan and a plate and flip the cake out on it. "Alright just pull a piece. Should still be melty inside. I took it out 15 or so minutes ago." He finds one and pulls it right out. I do too and bite into it. "So good. I love cooking because you can do it anywhere, anytime. Dimensionally speaking."

He takes a tentative bite and smiles. "This is good. Why do you make food when its just me coming over?" I raise and eyebrow. "I make food because your coming over. I like making things you haven't had before. And cooking, for whoever, makes me happy." He finishes the piece and looks at the clock. "We should be getting ready for the ball. I'll see you soon." He stands. "You're still my date though, right?" He heads to the door. "Yes. I'll meet you in the great hall." And leaves.

I, too, check the time and notice I'll be late if I don't start now. A quick shower and an updo is all I get through before there's a knock. I run to open the door. "Come on! You'll be late if you don't hurry!" Noella goes to take a shower while I hang up the dresses. I put the shoes by the door for a quick exit. I dress quickly but can't get the dress laced up right.

"Noella com help me!" I hear the water turn off and then she's by the sink. "Come here and I will!" I speed walk to her, holding my dress up so as not to step on it. She pulls the laces tight but loose enough so I can breath comfortabley. "Thanks babe. Now get dressed and I'll do your hair." She puts on the dress and looks like a queen. I put my comb in and start on her hair. It takes about 15 minutes but its gorgeous. Top half of her hair is pinned halfway to give her hair more body and the rest or curled and combed lightly.

There's a knock at our door and I place her headband on and put my heels on and she does the same. Another knock and I open the door. Malfoy. But not the younger. Lucius Malfoy. I freeze and hear Noelle behind me. "Who is it? Oh! Mr. Malfoy! So nice to see you." He smiles tight lipped at her and Draco comes to get her snd they walk off. "L-lucius. I didn't expect you here." He smiles and I know tonight my life will end. "Its over for you. Either you tell him or I will." I stare at him in horror.

He grabs my arm too tight and drags me to the Great Hall doors. He fixes his suit and shoves me inside. I try to catch Severus eye but he's busy watching students. Then I see Minerva. I mouth please and she sends me a worried look. She sees him and comes at me with speed I didn't know she possessed. She reaches me with a smile and gently takes me away.

Once far enough she turns to me. "What was that about? He looked like a cat that is a step from getting the mouse." I squeeze her hand. "He knows about everything. He figured it out. And he is forcing me to tell Severus tonight." Her eyebrows raise. "So its him you're here for." I try to build up a facade to fool him until the end. "And I have to kill Igor Karkaroff." She open her mouth slightly in shock before pulling herself together. "Does Albus know?" I shake my head. "I was too ashamed of it all."

Just then I hear someone speak up. "Too ashamed of what?" I plaster a smile on my face and turn to him. "Severus. Just who I was coming for. Lets dance." I give no room for response as I pull him into the dance. I hang my head in defeat. "I- I have something to tell you later. I don't want to ruin your night but find me when this is nearly over. After this dance I'll be waiting for you. You'll know where." The dance ends and I take off to the astronomy tower where I catch a couple of 5th years. "20 point each from your houses. Down to the hall." The scurry off and I sit on the rail, nothing to keep me from falling.

It takes a while but he finally shows up. "What has you so upset?" I bite my lip. "You know my mission. My plans. Nearly every detail but who. And that's because I didn't want you hurt or in any kind of pain. Just know that I love you."

He waits for me as if knowing what's coming. "Severus its you that I came to save. You're the one who's supposed to die." We sit in silence but I feel him pull away from me. "So you've been hiding that from me this whole time? That I'M the one that your trying to save?" I flinch. "I was trying to spare you. I didn't want you to be in pain more than necessary." he stands up away from me. "So you deliberately kept my own death a secret? And you expect me to believe you love me after hearing that?" I tremble. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You must hate me. But you have to know it hurt me. Those night terrors are about your death. Every night I cry and scream because of you dying. I can't lose you! Even if I have to take your place." He starts to walk away but turns back. "And to think I gave you my heart. I told you everything but you LIED to me! After everything I did for you! After I told about Lily! And you sat there listening to me knowing that I'd die!" I cry silently from the pain. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think-" He interrupts me. "You never think do you? You always rush in without a single thought!"

I stand as well and point a finger at him. "That's not true and you know it! If I hadn't thought then none of this would have happened! I wouldn't be here for my cousin or for YOU. I knew you were difficult but to shove that back at me. How dare you!" He rushes towards me. "How could you be stupid enough to love someone across time and space??? To give your life up for someone who could never love someone like you!" I back away. "But you said-" He raises a hand at me. "That was before I knew your plan. You filthy outsider! You don't even deserve to lick my boot!"

I stumble back at the near fatal blow to my heart. I don't know if anyone else hears it but in that moment, my heart shatters. My world falls apart. And I lose everything.

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