Engaged At Last

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I had helped plan this party for a while now. It took so much work but I knew it would be worth it. I knew Noelle favored light gray so I kept to that for her but for myself, I chose something bolder. Something I wouldn't usually pick. Bright red. I went to Severus room to grab him just as he walked out. He looked gorgeous. I stood there speechless.

"Y-you look amazing." He smiles lightly. "You look lovely as well. Let's grab the children and be off then." I grab his outstretched arm and lead him outside the gate, where the children wait. We apparate right into the party. "Go and mingle. For now just act unaware. We have a surprise for you later. Noella, behave." She giggles and I wink at Draco. I lean closer to him. "You have an hour before I tell anyone about the fireworks. Then, you do it. Here," I hand him the box that he tucks away while Narcissa distracts Noella. "Go on. Mingle and do it."

He grabs her hand and walks around to all the guests. It takes about 30 minutes for everything to be prepared. A waiter comes up to me and Severus as I wait. "Its ready Ms. Hill." I nod at the boy dismissively. "Alright. Now we circulate and tell everyone to head outside." I turn to Lucius and nod. He returns it and we send everyone outside just in time for the fireworks to start. The message pops up "Will you marry me?" in the blaze above.

Noella is so enthralled that when she turns back to Draco, down on his knee, ring in box, it takes a minute for her to respond. We can't hear them but everyone is watching. The moment she says yes, everyone cheers and applauds but they're too wraped up to notice. I lay my head on Severus shoulder. "How did I do?" He looks down at me. "I thought it was wonderful." I look up at him. "Thank you for being here. There's supposed to be music soon." He turns to me and bows slightly, hand outstretched. "Then would you do me the pleasure of this dance?" I blush and takes his hand. "I will." He leads us onto the floor and music starts to play.

We dance and I feel like I'm floating. "I didn't know you could dance." He smiles. "One of many things you don't know about me." I smile back. "I could say that same. But I would like to change that. Tell me something about yourself." He thinks for a moment. "When I was in school, Hogwarts, I found a place by the lake. I'd like to show you sometime." I pull him closer as a slow song starts. "I would love to. I have a question." He raises and eyebrow. "That can't be good." I shoved him lightly. "Oh stop. I'm serious." He chuckles. "Would you like to be my date to all events in the future?" He stares at me. "I don't usually go to things I'll need a date for but I suppose it would be nice." I smile at him. "Good. I don't think anyone could beat your dancing skills." The dance ends and I pull him outside to take a breather. "I'd love to stay but I'm quite busy tomorrow." He frowns. "Who with?" I chuckle. "You. We have to work on the potion, remember?" He nods. "Oh yes. Nearly forgot. How did you think of this again?"

I bite my lip. "I was outside, in the forest a week ago and it occured to me that the sorcerers stone was used to make an elixer of life. Which means, in theory, the resurrection stone could do the same. However, the elixer would have to be used moments before the person death, that way the person can accept it, essentially greeting death. Then it would bring them back, should they choose to return. We would have to test it first. I can tell you more later. I have to tell Lucius and Narcissa that we're leaving." I lead him back inside and bid farewell to the two and find the children to leave.

Noella hugs me tight. "Oh! What's this for?" She pulls back. "Draco told me you planned it. Thank you." I smile warmly. "Sometimes you talk in your sleep. I figured if you can't live every dream, at least live one." She hugs me tighter and I apparate us all back.

We all part ways except for Severus and myself, whom I invite to my room. "Tea or something stronger?" He raises an eyebrow. "You aren't supposed to own anything stronger but I'll take that." I nod. "I didn't own anything stronger until I was in Diagon Alley with the girls. I purchased it for extracurricular purposes."

I pour him some of the aged firewhiskey and hand it to him. "As for details on where exactly the person or test subject would have to be wounded, if you'll allow me to show you?" He nods and I sit beside him, pointing to different places on his neck as I speak. "Right side of the neck about 3 inches below a slightly upturned jaw line." I touch to make it clear. "And then multiple snake like bite wounds across the entire neck."

I use my fingers to mimic the actions. "Here. Here. Here. Here and here." I see him swallow. "Exactly those places if I'm to get an exact replica of the situation." He finishes the drink and I retreat to my side of the couch. "Why ask for my help then?" I smile. "You're nice to work with and you'll understand what Flammel left in his notes better than myself." He nods and stands. "I must be going. Its late." I stand and walk him to the door. "Thank you for joining me tonight. I had a wonderful time with you." He smiles and heads off to his room.

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