T'is The Season

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Months of this went by and Severus and myself had stopped being cordial. I didn't bring him meals, nor him me. Our meeting tended to end in fights. Our classes were filled with tension and we'd snap at each other for the stupidest things. I read a book on how to become and animangus and became one myself. Still trying to figure it out.

My meetings with Mr. Malfoy became more frequent as my cousins 16th birthday approached. Her and the younger Malfoy had grown quite close and I was glad to see her happy. I approached her on a monday evening. "Noella, you know your engagement party is this Saturday night, right?" Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. "I forgot completely! What am I going to do! I don't even have a dress! Oh my goodness. I DONT HAVE A WEDDING DRESS!!! I've been so busy I forgot to look!"

I smile warmly. "Relax. Take Taylor Falcon on friday to Diagon Alley. I'll get your work and a pass from Professor Dumbledore. Take deep breaths. I'll get the dress for Saturday. Just start the search for the wedding dress. And remember, here, a bit of black is normal. Pretty even." She nods while breathing slower. "Now go do your work or go on a date with Draco. Oh! And while your out Friday, get a dress for the Yule Ball." She nods and leaves.

I slump against the wall with a hand on my head. "These kids are gonna kill me. How does she expect me to handle all of the planning with being a teachers aide and a full time student? Not to mention her guardian." My vision is blurry and my eye water from lack of sleep.

"I need to talk to Severus or I'm gonna die from lack of sleep." I stumble a bit down the hall to his class door. Its well after classes but since I didn't see him at dinner, I expected him here. I knock on the door while leaning against the jam. "Professor?" Nothing is heard. "Professor please." The door opens and I would've fallen inside if not for the firm hands on my shoulders.

"What's happened to you?" I feel my face flush but I shiver, suddenly feeling cold. "I don't know. I haven't slept well for a while and now I feel like death. I just need something to sleep and I'll go." He scoffs and pulls me inside to sit at my usual spot. "Your weak and if I didn't know better, I'd say your stressed." I sigh sadly.

"I really am. I've been up to my neck in wedding plans for two months for my cousin I have guardianship over." I sniff at the rush of emotion. "She doesn't have a dress, which i have to send her for one friday but I need Albus' permission for her and a friend to not take classes then."Angry tears well in my eyes. "She has an engagement party Saturday that she forgot about so I have to get a dress for it. Not to mention I'm drowning in my own school work here. Then there's the Yule Ball. I am in over my head. I don't get sleep because of the nightmares and I feel like I'm suffocating in this sea of people." A tears rolls down my face and I brush it away angrily.

"That's a lot of stress to be under. You've hit your limit. Its understandable. And its making you sick." He hands me two vials. "One is sleeping draught and the other is an immunity booster." I nod. "How much for tonight?" He check with watch. "A shot glass full of each should do." I nearly smile. "I don't drink. I have no use for it. Yet." He opens a drawer in his desk and measures the liquids into the glass, making me drink them.

I yawn. "I don't think I'll make it to bed. Help." I sit hard on the floor and he comes to pick me up, carrying me to my rooms. He says my password and takes me to my room. He looks for my nightwear. "I don't sleep in clothes so you won't find any. What you caught me in all those months ago was my underclothes and a robe." He stares a moment before leaving. "I take it your capable of undressing and going to bed?" I nod with a smile. "Of course I am. I'm an adult on December 7th! Not that anyone would know or care. Oh well."

He looks hesitant to leave the room but he does and I quickly undress and get into bed. "I take it when your ready, you'll go home?" No response. Maybe he's already left? That's when the sleeping draught take over and I'm out cold.

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