Changing Sides

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I wake up in a cold sweat but that's nothing new at this point. I get up and put on some shorts and a top. Someone opens the door and I stand defensively. Then I see who it is and relax. "You must love nearly giving me heart attacks. Also, we need to talk. But not here." He looks on curiously. "Where then?" I smiled darkly. "Malfoy Manor."

I see him recoil. "I have some wedding things to talk over with him and then I need to come up with a plan." He sits in a chair by my fire as I sprawl on the couch. "A plan to keep Noella from becoming a Deatheater. It means I'll take her place." He looks uncomfortable. "How are you going to do that?" I tilt my head. "Well, ask the Dark Lord himself."

He now has a bit of fear in his body language without realising it. "I know you were one. That you changed sides. I'm only doing this to protect Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Greengrass. I made a verbal vow to Lucius I'd protect them at all times except for the war." He nods. "Alright. We'll do it. But only if you swear to never really switch sides."

I nod. "Of course. For Lily and all the others who have died." He stiffens. "You didn't say James Potter." I turn to face him. "Should I have? Or was he a terrible person people believed was good until the last? Did he deserve her? No. Did he torture people? Yes. So no. He will not ever be on the list of who I fight for." He says nothing and looks into the fire.

"I guess I best head off to Dumbledore soon. I have to have that pass. You'll give me their work for potions, yes?" He nods. "Alright. Don't you have class now?" He glanced at me for a moment, or maybe I'm seeing things. "Free period. I have a few." I hesitate to ask. "Could I visit you on them?" He nods. "Not a clue why you'd want to." I stand and head for my room to dress but turn back. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I like your company? That maybe I like you?" I close the door before he can retaliate.

I come out a while later feeling refreshed and ready for the day, despite how sick I actually am. There's a know on the outter door to my rooms. "Come in!" I yell from the kitchenette. "I'm making tea if you want some?" I hear footsteps approaching but no response. I pull out a knife.

"Sir, would you like some tea?" I watch the figure approach me slowly. I spin quickly and point the knife at his throat. "Take one more step and your dead." I send Severus a message in my mind. "There's a man in my room! Help me take care of this!"  The door to my rooms hits the wall and he enters with his wand drawn.

The man starts to speak. "The Dark Lord wants to meet you, yes. And if you don't show, you'll be on his kill list." I look at the man in recognition and take the knife away. "Wormtail, you might want to leave before I kill you. But let him know I'll be there." Severus shakes his head to warm me. The man turns into a rat and scurries off.

I turn to Severus. "What was that? Trying to tell me no. I told you this is happening weather you want it to or not. I don't have a choice! I have to protect them!" He looks like he regrets allowing me to think it. "I have to meet with Dumbledore. I'll see you for dinner. Not a request a demand. My house in Grimwald place. You'll know it when you see it." I turn heel and walk out.

As I found the last corner, I shout back. "Let yourself out when your done! And lock it!" I turn into my stallion animangus and make it to Dumbledore's office in no time. I catch him just about to head up.

"Sir. Just who I was meaning to see." He stares and I realize I haven't turned back. A quick switch and I repeat myself. He invited me up, asking questions about my form and such. We enter the office and I tell him. "I'm meeting with Voldemort soon. Before you get upset, let me explain." He gestures for me to continue. "If I become a Deatheater, Noella and Draco don't have to. Draco will anyhow but I can ease the burden here. You don't have to rely just on Severus. You can use me too. But in return, I want to use the resurrection stone." He looks thoroughly confused and sits opposite me. "Tell me." I hesitate but know I have to. "The sorcerer's stone can be turned into the elixer of life, right?" He nods. "Then why couldn't the same be said for the resurrection stone? If administered right before death, when the user has accepted their fate, it should work the same as the stone would and revive the person, right?"

He stands suddenly. "That's brilliant! Why didn't I think of that? I'll get you Nicholas Flammels notes on the elixer of life. If there's anything else you need, please let me know." I stand with him now. "I need a pass for two people to Diagon Alley this Friday. My cousin has to find a wedding dress." He waves a hand dismissively. "Yes of course. I'll get the stone to you by the end of the day. Is there anything else?" I nod. "Yes. I need all of professor Snape's free time besides sleeping. He will make more sense of the notes and ingredients than I ever could."

He leads me to the door. "If that is all, I'll see you at dinner." I nod and smile appreciatively. "Actually you won't." He frowns. "And why is that?" I blush slightly. "I got Severus to have dinner with me. Not a date but I have to keep him high on energy. And then we're off to Malfoy Manor to meet Voldemort." He nods. "Have a good time. And I hope you succeed." Me too.

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