World on Fire

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In the next few days I packed my bags and spoke to Albus. I said as little as possible and asked for a transfer. He obliged with the condition that we keep in touch. I agreed. I knew he sent letters to the other schools. I went to Minerva and bid her farewell.

In the next week I was accepted at Ilvermorny. I was packed and ready by Friday. I had been in my room except for meals, which Minerva insisted I took with her. If not I wouldn't have eaten at all. I think she knew that. I bid Noella goodbye and gave her my aged firewhiskey that I had bought for him. When not with her I mostly just ached with the hole in my chest and cried. I forgot about the Dark Lord and everything that didn't pertain to immediate pain.

I left on the train, which took far more time than I had hoped, and a plane to get there. I chose not to floo or fly because I just couldn't focus. I couldn't help but picture that moment again and it made me tear up. But I reminded myself that there is more yet to come. People would write to me occasionally. He had supposedly gone cold and stiff once again. Some said he was worse than before. I was also told he finally got the job he always wanted. DADA instructor. I had also learned of Harry Potter winning the cup at another students expense. But I already knew that because I had been summoned when it happened. In fact, I was considered one of the only true and loyal people. Severus didnt bother to show. I heard that Moody, a professor I never cared for, had been a deatheater in disguise.

I knew I would have to go back eventually. But I couldn't afford to dwell on the past. I hardened my emotions, built stronger barriers, mental and physical, and be everything I never could before. I didn't look back. I knew I would be needed but until then I was content to wait for the right moment. This is only the beginning. My world went up in flames. So I'm gonna set the world on fire.

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