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True to his word, the stone had gotten to me that evening. My dinner with Severus had gone very well. I know we got closer. There was one part of it that hadn't gone so well and that was when I explained what I wanted to do with the resurrection stone. And as intrigued as he was, he was nervous to do something that could end so badly.

Now it was friday and time for the girls to head off to Diagon Alley. I delivered the free passes to the classes while collection the days work and was shocked to see my own name in it. He was always thoughtful. The last pass I dropped off was to potions. I knocked first.

"Severus? I'm here to drop off the pass and grab our work." The door opened and there he stood, looking amazing. "Of course. Our? You're going too?" I nod. "I found at today." He smiles slightly. "Albus?" I nod with a short laugh. "That man always outplays us. I should be going. I have to take the girls to get dresses. I'll see you for dinner though right? Before the manor?" He nods looking grim. "You're sure this is what you want?" I nod without hesitation. "Yes. Anything to protect them."

I smile politely and head outside all cloaked up. I spot the girls waiting for me. "Noella, Taylor. Ready to go?" They nod and grab my arms as I apparate outside the shop. "Alright. You girls go on to the bridal shop. I have something to buy here." They nod and off they go. I head into the pet shop to get something for Noella. Its her birthday soon, after all.

The first thing to catch my eye looks like a fuzzy hedgehog. I wave the woman over. "What is it and how much for one?" She smiles. "That there is a Pygmy Puff. Cute little devils and loyal too. This one here is special. Once its bonded to someone, it changes color to match their emotions." I halt her. "I'll take it." She smiles and I pay the woman, heading out with my surprise.

The girls are pouting on the sidewalk. I frown. "What's the matter?" Noella speaks first. "They wouldn't let me try on a single dress because they thought I was lying about getting married soon." I turn to Taylor and she nods. "They threw us out like garbage." I grab their arms and march up to the shop. The bell above the door rings as I shove it open. "Who dares stall my daughters wedding?" The woman cowers back. "But she can't! Shes too young!" I snarl at her. "She's getting married the 12th of December to Draco Malfoy. I suggest you let her try on dresses or I will call Lucius here right now." She nods and takes them into the back. "Yes ma'am right away." I smile at the girls. "Have fun. I have some other things to get but I shouldn't be too long."

I head to another dress shop and see some amazing gowns. I spot one of white and gold and know Noella will love it. The woman packs some cute flats for it. Next I spot dresses fit for the engagement party tomorrow. Both for her and myself. I asked the shop owner if he has any other dresses and he tells me to follow him. I explained what I'm looking for and he pulls out a few.

I try them all on but he agrees they aren't for me. Then his eyes light up. "I wonder..." And off he goes, returning with a black bag. "Try this on." And he shoves me back into the changing stall. I open it and there lies the most stunning dress I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. A beautiful midnight blue dress that was sparkly but not over the top. It was so beautiful and I knew I had to try it on.

When I stepped out of the stall, the man was standing there with accessories. A black choker, some blue heels to match the dress and a hair comb. I gasped at myself in the mirror. "This is the one." He nods and packs all the extra stuff while I change back to my clothes.

I look around abit more and the girls come in looking excited. "Well? Did you find a dress?" They both nod. "Its so pretty. Its a lacey blue." I chuckle at the girl's enthusiasm. "Well, Taylor, do you have a dress for the Yule Ball?" She shakes her head. I motion to the store around us. "Then get one. We're in a dress shop for goodness sake!"

She runs around looking at the dresses until she finds one she likes, pays for it, and we're off to grab some snacks. I get a bit extra for a certain someone and I notice Noella grabbing something for Draco.

When were loaded up with all the things we need, I apparate us back to the castle. They scurry off with their things and I take a deep breath before heading to my room. They're so heavy that I nearly fall over a few times. Thats when I feel amusement from someone. "You know instead of laughing at how stupid I look and how close to dying I've been, why don't you help me?" I hear someone clear their throat and my load is lightened and I glance at Draco. "Good god woman. Whats in here?" I glance at the box. "Not entirely sure. The man told me there are a lot of things in there. Some spell, I'm sure. I might check it out later." He helps me carry it to my room and sits it outside. "I'll see you later I assume?" He widens his eyes a bit. "You're gonna be one too?" I raise an eyebrow. "I meant at dinner but since you aske-" Severus cuts me off. "How would your father like it if he knew you were talking about personal matters to perfect strangers?" Draco visibly gulps and runs off.

"Are you here for dinner?" He nods. "I do apologize for not being ready. Food should only take a moment to make once we get to my house. I prepared most of it earlier. Let me grab my bag and we'll apparate there." He grabs the box from in front of my door and sits it inside on my couch. I get what I need and lock the door behind us.

A brisk walk outside the grounds and a moment after were on my front step in Grimwauld place. I forced the door open and with a snap of my fingers, the food starts cooking itself. "Please make yourself at home while I set the table. Its been some time since I came here. Everythings a bit dusty." I put everything in the hall closet except for my gift and a bottle of wine I had purchased for tonight.

I set the timer and head back to the living room with the gift and the wine. I sit across from him. "I hope homemade zucchini and pasto alfredo is ok?" He only nods. I sigh. "I know you haven't been on a date in a long time, but talking is a lot of it. So please, ask questions. Say something." He looks at me. "This is a date?" I stand abruptly and storm off to the kitchen.

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