Split Stories

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I'm sure a lot of you reading are thinking "This is it? Nothing else? Just gonna stop it there?" The answer to that is no. I am not stopping there. But as per the rules of coming back from the dead, magic so powerful has to be hidden. And that means the people it was used on have to be hidden as well. So, for convenience, I have split the story. Noella has hers, Serafina has hers.

Serafina and Severus-  Happily Ever After(recently put up the first few chapters).

Noella and Draco- If It All Falls Apart(working on the first chapter).

If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions for the books, or even myself, feel free to comment of message me. I love input. I may change the split to a single book later depending on weather I want them to stay apart. So far I haven't but that is because my cousin, the one i wrote this for, has a decision on the plot.


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