[S3E20] Echo House

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"I'm a stranger in my body, I don't recognize the person I've become. And what am I doing this all for? I wanna say I'm sorry to the people that I love.
Forgive me."
-Remember Me Happy
{3rd Person}

It wasn't that long of a car ride, but with the silence, it seemed the destination was much farther than what the numbers on the gas mileage read. Every glance toward the clock on the dashboard proved that time had slowed down. Stilinski gripped the steering wheel and kept his eyes glued to the road.

Eventually, he pulled up to a building he never hoped to set foot into, especially to check in his own son.

Eichen house.

Putting the car in park, he took the keys out of the ignition and looked to his right, where Stiles looked back at him and nodded.

They got out of the car and breathed the cool, crisp night air. Stilinski looked at the creepy looking building, and decided that it looked like, and it very well could have been, a nice looking mansion. Where a nice man and his son lived handsomely.

Yeah, Stiles was just going to stay at a friends house for a few days.

That's what he told himself. Maybe that story would ease his nerves. But it wasn't his nerves he should worry about.

"Ready?" He asked Stiles, who was still looking beyond the closed steel gate and at the poorly lit building. He turned his head to look back to his dad and he nodded.

The two of them suddenly heard the sound of a bikes engine frowning louder, as it pulled up next to Stilinski's car. They turned to see Scott, rushing to put the bike in park and run up beside them.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asked, glancing at the father and son.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this." Stilinski said calmly.

"It's only seventy two hours." Stiles assured him.

"This is the same place where barrow came from." Scott argued. "The same guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies." He looked back at Stilinski and shook his head. "You don't know everything yet."

Stilinski interrupted "I know enough.. nogitsunes, kitsunes.. oni... or whatever they're called."

Stiles furred his brows. "No, that's actually all- surprisingly correct."

"Scott." Stilinski continued. "I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's... and it terrifies me. I'm heading down to LA tomorrow to talk to a specialist."

"Why you putting him in here?" Scott asked, squinting his eyes in confusion.

"He's not."

Scott looked over to Stiles and raised his eyebrows.

"It was my decision."

"Stiles I can't help you if you're in here." Scott told him.

"And I can't hurt you." He argued softly. Placing a hand on Scott's shoulder, he gave it a firm squeeze, followed by a nod. From there, he turned to his dad they started heading toward the gate.

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