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This OC belongs to 1-800-C3DR1C

Name┃ Blizzardice

5/5 I wasn't sure if Blizzard- was a viable prefix, but after checking I found out that it was! The name doesn't have the best flow, but it still sounds very nice.

Gender┃ she-cat


Sexuality┃ lesbian


Rank ┃ elder

Brilliant! Don't see many of those. So many cats die young, or just never really retire. Elders are pretty great, though, and no one gives them any credit.

Age ┃ ninety-nine moons

My first though was "Wow, that's old," but after looking it up it's actually the equivalent of about 50. (Cats don't mature like we do, it's weird.) Still a good age to be an elder!

Clan ┃RiverClan

Great! I see this a lot more than I thought I would, but, to be fair, I love RiverClan.

Appearance ┃Blizzardice is a massive, thickset she-cat. Her fur is white. It is feathery and long. She has a circular face with almond-shaped bright yellow eyes. She has a piercing voice and a funky scent. Blizzardice has a scarred pelt.

15/15 All's good here! No inaccuracies, and I can imagine her well. Good on you for including scars, it makes sense given that she's been on the Earth for so long. It's also nice to see a white cat that's not the stereotypical attractive molly that's so often used as a protagonist.

Personality ┃Blizzardice values her Clan the most. She is somewhat introverted. In conversations, she is dramatic, genuine and reclusive. She is guided by her head, often level-headed and aloof. Her world view is somewhat pessimistic. She is tolerant, freethinking, intense, impressionable, cowardly and disobedient. Blizzardice is of average intelligence, which reflects in her decisions, skills and conversations. She tends to avoid eye contact with others for some reason. If she manages to hold eye contact with another cat, they are likely very special to her. Even though Blizzardice almost always wants a peaceful solution, she almost never speaks up in public. She will talk about it to friends though. She doesn't want any kittens but would love to have a mate.

23/25 Alright! The 'impressionable' trait doesn't fit given her age, usually that's reserved for younger cats, although it can work. Introverted and dramatic don't really work that well together- but than again I'd use both of those words to describe myself lol.

I love the part about eye contact! I haven't seen that before, and it's a more subtle way of showing relationships.

Backstory ┃Blizzardkit was born to her father, Lichenjay and her mother, Jaytalon along with her brother, Brackenkit. Her relationship with her brother was going badly, she bullied Brackenkit. Lichenjay was stern, while Jaytalon was harsh. Blizzardkit was close to both of her parents. 

I've seen a lot of characters be bullied, but never be the bully! Honestly, every character is flawed and it can be really interesting to see the world from a different point than usual. 

You described her parents as 'stern' and 'harsh', however you've said she was close to both of them. Were they still warm and loving from time to time, or is it just a family value carried over from what she was told?

She often challenged an apprentice called Boulderpaw to various hunting and fighting contests. Due to her age and training, Boulderpaw won almost all of them, so Boulderpaw felt like she was superior to Blizzardkit and was very mean to her. This created a dislike between them. During her kithood, Blizzardkit spent a lot of time with the apprentices, trying to learn their training ahead of time. Blizzardkit reached the age of an apprentice and became Blizzardpaw. She received Echofur as her mentor.

I've actually seen the name Echofur a lot, it's a weird one to be so common! 

A bit of this doesn't fit with the personality you gave me, but it does develop with age! She wouldn't always be the same. Blizzardkit/paw/ice seems like a very ambitious cat. And Boulderpaw, c'mon! She's a kit, why are you so smug?

He was strict, but always had Blizzardpaw's best interests in mind. Echofur mostly focused on fighting while somewhat neglecting fishing. As Blizzardpaw became an apprentice, she started hating Boulderpaw even more due to peer pressure. Eventually, their mentors had to get involved as their hatred was distracting them from learning. Blizzardpaw became a warrior sooner than Brackenpaw by 5 moons.  Blizzardpaw became Blizzardice and Brackenpaw became Brackenwind.

Echofur sounds like a good mentor! Everything here fits well, I've no criticism.

 After spending some time together on border and hunting patrols, she noticed that Boulderspring was easy-going and that she was very attractive with her very dark fawn fur. Blizzardice tried to spend some more time with Boulderspring to get to know her better, but she refused to talk to Blizzardice more than she had to. Their rivalry had grown too strong to fix it after so long. Blizzardice developed Greencough during leaf-bare, spreading it through the Clan. She rescued a loner kit and gave it back to its mother. Blizzardice got an apprentice with the name of Creekpaw. She retired at the age of 62 due to old age after she finished mentoring Creekpaw.

Goodness gracious, I love fawn cats. So much. However, they aren't really a wild coloration- they have to be bred. Same with cream and lilac cats. (However, this is another one that perhaps 1% will mind. She sounds really nice regardless!)

It doesn't fit Blizzardice's current character to pursue an out-of-clan romance, but perhaps she was a different cat back then. 

Be careful with that age! If you're speaking about moons, that's actually just over five years- or late thirties, early forties, whereas if you're speaking about the age equivalent, she hasn't quite reached there yet.

Here's a helpful age calculator:

Age of Cat = Human Equivalent (1-10 years old, you can find greater numbers online, though!)

1 = 15

2  = 25

3 = 29

4 = 33

5 = 37

6 = 41

7 = 45

8 = 49

9 = 53

10 = 57

Family ┃ 

Father: Lichenjay - a white tom with reddish patches (alive)

Mother: Jaytalon - a white she-cat with deep gray patches (alive)

Brother: Brackenwind - a white tom (alive)

15/15  Seems about right, considering how the dominant white trait works!

Blizzardice is pretty neat! I love that she's an elder, and her appearance is really nice. You might want to clear up her age a bit, but overall I honestly really like her. Hope this helps!

Thanks so much for your submission! <3

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