~Fat Loser ~{9}

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First off thanks to @Gracejorjaheid for voting my story :)

It means a lot to me and i'm glad your enjoying the story <3


"I saw you with Seth in the dorms on the weekend" Harlee said to me. 

I was standing at my locker organise the books I would need for my next class when she slammed the locker shut to get my attention.

"Then you sat in front of his door like a love sick puppy" she chuckled. 

This is one of the reason I hated living in the dorms with everyone form school. They could all get into your business like this giving them even more reasons to make fun of me.

"Are you that desperate for some action that you literally had to sit at his door begging for him? Well your waisting your time sweetheart, he's mine. Back off or i'll make your life miserable" she gave me the most intense stare down. 

She gave a whole new meaning to the saying if looks could kill.

"I-i'm not interested in Seth" I tried to tell her. Just because he's talked to me a few times doesn't mean I like him. I don't like him and he hates me. 

"Sure you're not" she flashed me the widest and biggest smile she could fashion.

"Just to be safe I don't think you should go near any of the Erotes boys. It would be way too embarrassing for you when they reject you. I'm only saying this because I want to look out for you" she placed her hand on my shoulder

"Why would you look out for me? You hate me?" I questioned. Harlee made an o shape with her mouth and looked very offended.

"How could I hate you? I don't hate you I pity you and after finding out your desperate enough do fuck Mr Clark I realised just how pathetic you truly are. " fakeness was just oozing out of her and her hand on my shoulder was making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Mr Clark is only my teacher nothing else" i want to shut this silly rumour about the teacher and I down. Why did she even start this rumour? Just to torment me even more?

"Ugh!" Harlee looked angry now. She took her hand off my shoulder and placed it on her hip.

"Look here loser, I tired to tell you this nicely but if you go anywhere near Ash or Seth ever again I will destroy you ok. You are nothing more than a fat waist of space and you'd be doing the world a favour if you killed yourself!" and there it is. The real Harlee.

Her words stung and I just stood there like an idiot while she yelled at me. She smiled and my silence in triumph and twirled around flipping her hair as she walked away.

I believe her. I am a joke.

 Everyone in my family left me because i'm a fat loser and no one wants to be seen with someone like that. It's too embarrassing for them. I can't be mad at mum for leaving me or Jay for leaving once he saw how gross I am. I think it's best if I stay away from Ash too. I don't want to destroy his social life

It's the right thing to do.

The rest of my day didn't feel real. I just went through the motions without feeling like i was really present. My body is just doing what it has to. I feel detached. 

My head feels so light and heavy all at the same time and the world feels so real but fake at the same time. As I walk down the steps to my dorm room I feel like i'm not even there. Actually, I don't think I can feel anything at all. 

I don't even bother taking my school uniform off before curing up under the covers of my bed. I sob quietly to myself while gripping the ends of my doona. I feel so alone and the weight of the world feels like it's on my shoulders and it's so heavy. 

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