Chapter 24

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Title: Aftermath

-Chapter Start-

''I can't believe my own eyes.'' Professor Cerise said along with his assistants and Chloe, watching the battle that was recorded from Isaiah's Rotom Phone.

It was the day after Articuno's attack which happened around 7pm. 

He only came back later today because he was at the Pokemon Center so Nurse Joy can look after his Pokemon after they were badly battered by Articuno and Chandelure by Zapdos.

Heatran didn't for obvious reasons plus it was healed by the trio completely and Nurse Joy was sort of frightened over Aerodactyl.

It was incredibly busy due to the ''rescue'' crews but everything was back to normal.

Surprisingly no one suffered any cold related problems despite the power shutting off.

There was one casualty that died because their house mysteriously exploded but it wasn't because of the snow.

Something blasted their house they assume.

Isaiah tried not to think about it though as much as he didn't cared.

''I was able to spend all that time in the Pokemon Center editing the video to cut out certain shots but I did too much if they found a few missing seconds mysteriously edited out.'' Isaiah noted.

It felt much more awkward than now, watching the fascination of everyone else's face at the fact the Legendary Bird Trio appeared before Isaiah's eyes.

Articuno was shown to be captured by Isaiah then it skipped to Articuno flying away.

He honestly felt much better than usual.

His Gigalith, Kabutops, Omastar and Aerodactyl all managed to get Articuno tired enough to give him a plan with both Heatran and Chandelure, leading to his victory.

They were resting.

''I can't honestly believe you managed to not only defeat Articuno but got the chance to see Zapdos and Moltres up close all together. Articuno allowed you to capture it.''

They weren't aware of the orb Articuno gifted him and the feather it dropped.

A professor's wet dream in having something that from a Legendary Pokemon but like hell he will allow their privacy and trust be invaded.

Heatran was all enough for the Professor.

''Yeah, can I go now?'' 

This made everyone blink.

His two assistants, Chrysa and Ren were made aware of Heatran.

Needless to say, they kept their mouths shut.

''No one was forcing you to stay Isaiah. It has been a long day, you need some rest.'' Cerise gave him a pat on the back.

''You can keep the video but keep any shots of my Pokemon out of it, especially Aerodactyl and Chandelure. The last thing I need is for others to notice it and point it towards me.'' Isaiah last said before walking off.

''I can't believe Isaiah has been catching a lot of rare Pokemon lately.'' Chrysa curious about Isaiah's captures.

It was very odd that he has been catching extraordinary Pokemon, like the Queen Frillish, Shiny Chandelure, Heatran, his massive Aerodactyl and now Articuno.

''He has only been a trainer for about a month or more and he has been getting lucky.''

''Hasn't he been a bit more quiet than usual? Ever since he returned from Unova? There has been less than trouble than lately since he has been focusing on his Pokemon.'' Ren pointed out, showing his relief.

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