Chapter 161

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Isaiah glanced at the helicopters followed by drones weaponized.

''Thwackey, going to put you in the PC.'' Isaiah informed much to Thwackey's dismay before being returned and swapped out.

''Go!'' Isaiah flung five Poke-Balls that opened and they went into the ocean.

''Eliminate.'' The drones were saying repeatedly.

That was when Basculegion, Seismitoad, Clawitzer, Kabutops and Eelektross emerged and began destroying the drones that were caught off guard by Basculeion shearing through them with his teeth, Seismitoad catching and crushing them, Clawitzers blasting them, Kabutops slashing them and Eelektross firing Discharge that nailed a whole lot of them.

They had amazing coordination, despite how close they were in distance, they didn't get in each others way and with great teamwork destroyed all of the drones in a matter of a minute.

They dived when they were being fired from the guns on the helicopter, distracted for a bit.

''Charizard! Dragon Claw!''

Charizard avoided the firing and slashed across the helicopters one by one, exploding and crashing into the ocean.

''Are we going to ignore Isaiah just murdered all those guys?'' Alain asked.

''I'll just turn a blind eye.'' Steven thought, might it reasonable when Team Rocket is trying to kill them.

''Okay Galvantula, let's use your Electro Web!'' Destiny revealed her Galvantula who captured a bunch, shocking them into unconsciousness.

''Gardevoir! Use Hypnosis!''

''Charizard! Use Dragon Claw!'' Alain ordered his Mega-Evolved Charizard, pummeling each Pokemon being thrown with one shot and Gardevoir put the grunts to sleep.

''Urshifu! Wicked Blow!''

''Surging Strikes!''

Both Urshifu's obliterated each Pokemon which were honestly just whatever these guys randomly captured.

Rattata, Machamp, Linoone, Volbeat, Golbat, Beedrill, just so many random Pokemon.

Five trucks worth of grunts, well rather four since Damian is in one of them that soon went silent.

''That was....too easy.'' 

''What did you expect? All of the grunts attacking are clearly new recruits or you can say throwaways to prevent us from reaching them?'' Danika rolled her eyes, not finding this fun.

''Thanks for your assistance but this isn't an official joint mission. After all, this is where we show what the Project Stone crew is about!'' Steven declared sounding pumped.

''Of course, we were only here for Kyogre. What are the odds?'' Quillon muttered, nodding to Danika.

''Okay Galvantula, mind scooping them up?'' 

Galvantula began String Shotting many of the unconscious grunts all together.

Steven clapped his hands.

''Alright Sawyer, remember what we practiced doing with these criminals?'' Steven asked.

''Of course. Gardevoir, use Teleport on them and take them to the prison grounds where the police are waiting!'' Sawyer ordered and it was followed through in a quickie.

''Excellent. For now, Sawyer, try to your Pokemon to help out any citizens that are caught within this warzone.'' Steven threw out an Aerodactyl, 


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