Chapter 7

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Title: A Prick Exposed

-Chapter Start-

Isaiah remained frowned as Kyle and Bianca introduced one another and began hitting an conversation, talking about being trainers who were competing in the Unova League which meant they were rivals like natural.

Of course Bianca explained how she knew me which he saw that perverted grin from Kyle directed towards him and he had to be facing away the blonde, seeing how cute and ''huge'' she was.

Kyle then explained how they met which beamed Bianca at first and saying they teamed up and battled Cindy, winning the battle.

''You really are growing up Isaiah. I was surprised to hear from Cynthia you caught a Sandile and it evolved already? And you caught more Pokemon?'' Bianca happily said, pulling his cheeks and she ended up giving him those same angry eyes.

''How come you couldn't at least say goodbye? I wasn't keeping you there against your will if that was how you felt?'' Bianca saddened which Kyle elbowed him hard to make Isaiah talk which resulted in him getting jab in the ribs, knocking Kyle over, clenching his side.

''Isaiah! That wasn't nice!'' 

''Don't baby me.'' Isaiah coldly said as he thought.

''It wore off during the battle with Cindy. Still, got to keep it in check.''

''What's wrong?'' 


''Aren't you happy to see me?''


''I know you do.'' Bianca flicked his nose which irritated him.

''I was having a good time till you came around.'' Isaiah thought as Kyle weakly recovered with Bianca helping him out.

He still held it against her for not only the nut shot twice, but also what happened with the Frillish and wouldn't listen to him when he didn't want to go to the party and nearly died again by Frillish and met people he wasn't comfortable in meeting.

Yes he was already over that battle of hers which he deemed as cool on a personal matter, now it remained a void of a memory of his as he rather focused more on building his team with strategies from the battle.

That was how petty he was.

Yes he is an asshole but he doesn't care how other feels.

Things changed real quick for him within just a day.

There were things more important than simple squabbling around, he wasn't one for building personal connections with people, with Kyle, they were just accomplices.

''Thanks for helping me down there Kyle. Really appreciated it man, but it's time for me to head out.'' Isaiah got up, confusing Bianca.

''Stay safe man. I was heading out morning.'' 

''Go where?'' She asked.

''None of your business where. Once I'm done. I'm heading back to Kanto.'' He rudely said as he got up, getting Bianca to stop him.


''How come you don't like people Isaiah?'' 

''Why does that matter?''

''How do you expect for people to like you if you keep acting like a child and blowing them off?'' 

''Excuse me?'' 

''I know we only knew each other for a few hour but seeing you helpless and curious.....where are you going?'' Isaiah pushed her to the side and began walking off like a dickhead which Kyle cringed.

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