Chapter 162

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Groudon roared as much ground formed around him, giving land for everyone to run across as Kyogre prepared an Origin Pulse.

''Precipice Blade!'' 

The Origin Pulse that was fueled by enraged power fired through Groudon's own attack, blasting it back with little success.

''That's right. The weather is switching off between them. Whenever one of their abilities is active, certain types of attacks fail which for Kyogre, it nullifies Fire-Types and as for Groudon, it nullifies Water-Type attacks.'' Steven explained.

''So are we safe from Kyogre's attacks.''

''Depending on the timing. The issue with Groudon however is that we are also affected by its ability as well.'' Steven grimaced, worrying everyone.

''They successfully turned Kyogre into a Shadow Pokemon.'' Isaiah revealed, stunning Lance and Anabel.

''They have?! Damn it!''

''What are Shadow Pokemon?''

''A Pokemon whose heart was locked away, leaving only darkness to take over. They are more viscous and are willing on attacking others without hesitation.'' Lance explained.

''This is worrying enough. They were able to do this to Kyogre then imagine how many Pokemon that were manufactured into Shadow Pokemon.'' Anabel worried.

''For now, we get that Rage Crown off Kyogre. It's making things far worse and its powers are at its peak.'' Isaiah explained as Eelektross, Eelektross, Kabutops and Gyarados were in the water glaring at the opposition, along with many Pokemon thrown by everyone else.

''How shall we approach this? Isaiah?'' Steven asked.

''Anyone with a Pokemon with Wide Guard?'' 


''Easy, this is a raid battle and we can block Kyogre's wide range attacks, especially in this weather. Water-Types and Fire-Type attacks aren't going to be any use.'' Isaiah replied.

Everyone agreed immediately.

''Mantine! We need your help!'' Danika let out her Mantine who followed her instructions in assisting everyone.

''Same here. One won't do it. Go Carracosta!'' Steven released it.

''Mienshao, you too.'' Bianca let it out.

''For now, we keep it small because things are going to get very nasty.'' Lance warned.

''Actually, how about we only be tactical in assisting Groudon and Lugia?'' Isaiah recommended, confusing everyone.

''What? We don't interfere in on the battle?''

''Look at the situation. We got a Groudon and Lugia fighting a pure raged Kyogre, two powerful Legends to take on the big one. The thing we don't need to do is try to get in the middle of it.''

''So we are only offering in helping out the best way we can without having our Pokemon in the middle of it.'' Bianca deduced.

''Yes. Mantine, Carracosta and Mienshao are the Wide Guard users.'' Isaiah clapped his hands.

''How about the weather? We could take full advantage of it.'' Alain glanced at the rain and sunny weather.


''Come on out Cherrim!'' Gardenia let it out which activated its ability.

''Flower Gift's an ability when in the sun, Cherrim can help enhance the attack and special defense stat of an ally Pokemon! Love it!'' Gardenia bragged.

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